1979 School Magazine

DEBATING REPORT This debating year has been one of the most successful yet. Venturing into new debating competitions and winn- ing the old, Brisbane Girls' Grammar will soon be feared in all debating circles. The new Circuit debating, in- stigated by B.B.C., has opened up a new sphere of debating, proving to be both enjoyable to all and a great social success. Other competitions entered into'this year included Apex debating, which involved a Senior A, Senior B, Junior A and a Junior B team. The Junior A and Junior B excelled, reaching the quarter finals, while the Junior A continued even further to reach the Queensland Zone Finals. However, the Q.D.U. teams were not about to be out done and out of the Senior A, Senior B, Junior A and two Junior B and two Grade Eight teams, all reached the final rounds. As is obvious, debating this year has involved a large number of girls as well as many teachers. Our thanks must go to Mrs. Colwill, Mr. Dale, Mrs. Sanderson, Mr. Walsh, Mrs. Thomas and especially to Mrs. Riggs and Mr. Farragher. This year, debating has grown amazingly under the guidance of these teachers, who so willingly gave up their time. lt can be predicted that the debating success of the school, will keep growing as the years flow by. To those who continue debating next year, and to those who may start - GOOD LUCK and let us see Grammar reach the top of the ladder very soon! Lyndal Taylor, 12D.

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