1979 School Magazine

REPORT FROM PARENTS AN D FRIENDS ASSOCIATION 1979 has been a happy year for the Association. With an able team comprising the Executive and generous sup- port from parents in general it is apparent that the role of parents in the Brisbane Girls' Grammar School is a very positive, active and valuable one. The noticeable areas of activity incorporate Tuckshop and Stationery facilities, The Clothing Shop, and the New and Second- hand Book sales. All these areas have traded profitably. The growth of The Clothing Shop is to be highly com- mended and the expertise of the Convenor, Rita David- son and her team in the handling of this popular trading post is to be admired. I am sure that all parenls and students have benefited, directly or indirectly, from the efficient management of the Tuckshop and Stationery section enabled through continuous supervision by our employee, Marie Murray. Ably guided by Convenor, Shirley Fay, this department is continually endeavouring to provide good service, revise selling lines, and ensure a happy atmosphere for the many voluntary workers. To all the mothers who have given generously in all the departments mentioned, not forgetting those who.were part of the highly pressured activity during book sales week during first term, the Association expresses deep gratitude. At this point it is emphasised that success depends on good f inancial management. To the Treasurer, lvan Bowen, tor his contribution, we are greatly indebted. The introduction of a monthly Newsletter under the direction of the Publicity Off icer, Sue Cameron, has been a valued service to parents, staff and the school as a whole. Ably assisted in the compilation by the Secretary, Catherine Woods, the scattering of news and informa- tion "far and wide" has been of ineslimable value and it is hoped that Old Girls and Past Mothers will join the mailing list ($2.50 per year) and so maintain interest and support. Sue has enrolment forms available for this pur- pose. I am sure that all readers consider it is a publica- tion with a "real future". General meetings held during the year were of varied ap- peal. The Panel of Educationalists who spoke on "Changing Trends in Education" Jor the first term pro- gramme received an enthusiastic response from a generous audience. The second term activity assumed the role of a Seminar on the subject "Staff/Parent Com- munications". Although the response in attendance was disappointing the function was genuinely profitable. Dur- ing the third term parents were invited to attend the mon- thly business meeting and so enable those interested to become more aware of the day to day activities of the Association. To further assist the school, and the staff and students in particular, considerable financial support was given to the new Auditorium complex. This included the provision of a new grand piano, lighting, stage curtaining and fans. All parents have assisted in some way towards this im- pressive contribution to school facilities and there is little doubt that our daughters are the main beneJiciaries. Social activities during the year have been undertaken mainly by our new "subsidiary" the Mothers' Auxiliary. However, the Social Convenor, Joyce Naylor has main- tained good liaison between the two groups so that wide spead support is encouraged when required.

To honour the graduating students at the close of secon- dary schooling the P.. & F. Association is delighted to host each year a Formal Dinner. Lennons Plaza is a beautiful venue which fittingly supports the genuine good wishes of all parents to the girls as they cross the threshold into new fields of adult life. This activity is just one more of the areas in which the Association seeks to demonstrate lively interest in all the many facets of Brisbane Girls Grammar School. Best Wishes to all in 1980. Beryl Mortimer, President.


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6TH FORM FORMAL The elegant furnishings of 29 Murray Street provided a perfect setting for the numerous 'sophisticated' young ladies and gentlemen who attended the 6th form formal this year. The dinner and the refreshing punch were eagerly consumed, with the three courses being separated by segments of dancing. There were several solo dance performances by various male partners, who will remain unnamed, though they were greatly ap- preciated. Ms. Rant also deserves special mention ow- ing to her enthusiastic tango with Michael Vann and her attention grabbing dances with Mr. Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Hancock joined in with a stint of uninhibited dancing and at one stage took the floor with Stephanie Hancock and her partner, to treat the rest to an enthralling display, which was followed by much cheering and clapping. The floor for the remainder of the night was very crowded. Our thanks go to Cathy Boyce and the committee who organised the whole evening so ably, on their own in- itiative. Melissa White and her family are also to be thanked for providing such an appropriate venue for the post party, as are Jacky Thomas and her family, for pro- viding the intriguing floral displays on all the tables. The evening was a great success, f rom the staff's point of view as well as our own and it was well worth the men- tal agony and feverish buying which preceeded it. Angela Brown


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