1978 School Magazine
Une Soir6e ehez "scaramouche" Hier sour, dix-neuf filles sont descendues sur le restaurant, Scaramouche. Tous les gens nous ont reoard6es fixement parce que nous 6tions si belles! Nour sommes entr6es dans une salle oir nous nous som- mes assises i une grande table d c6t6 de la Salle des amoureux (H6-H6-[6) Le garqon, Jean (il est irds spunky)nous a apport6 du pain d I'ail et nos boissons. ll y avait beaucoup de petiles bouteilles de "Southern bomfort", de "Vodka", et de "Barcardi" Madame Spykerboer a dit, "Terrible, lerrible !" Alors, des ei6argots et des cuisses de grenouilles (les snails et les frogs legs) Chouette! Maintenant, tous les escargots dans mon jardin courent un danger aff reuxl Catherine "Frogs, Snails and Puppy dog tails . . ." Well, not quite. Only frogs and snails and French Cuisine. And singing' And French Pastry. Particularly French Pastry. lwill explain - on 19th of July a group of 6th form French students, plus f riends, plus Mrs. Spykerboer, had dinner at Scaramouche (a popular French restaurant in Turbot Street). Our entree consisted of snails and f rogs (surprisingly palatable); our main course was rabbit, and dur dessert was pastry. lt was extremely interesting, and amusing, to see the grimaces of disgust give way to more digusl, or pity - "Oh, poor little bunny!" - or delight. After dinner we were entertained the other patrons with unusual renderings of French songs and some dancing. As a final patriotic gesture before leaving, we sang the Marseillaise. Then we left (and about time, for audience had become quite exhausted after applauding our ef- forts). We undeniably enjoyed ourselves. We now intend to slart a business: "Garden Snails and Cane{oad Legsl" Rowena Harris,6E. (We would like to thank Mrs. Spykerboer for arranging this.dinner, and other such dinners for other forms).
Girls' Grammar has gone internationalthis year - in se- cond term we had Japanese visitors, and (exciting for French students), Bastille day, and the visit of Marie- Claire Legris. Marie-Claire is French exchange student from Normandie and she attends Somerville House' B.G.G.S. invited her over for the day on 27Ih July. French students were lucky enough to talk to her about France, her family, her school, her town, etc. in various French classes she visited during the day, and she talk- ed to the entire school in assembly. Marie-Claire was the ouest at a oicnic recess and lunch given to her by irembers of French Vl 1, who hadn't had a French lesson that day. They hope that she enjoyed herself as much as they did. (Particularly interesting was seeing Mrs. Thornquist ptay mother/hostess to an informal group of chattering girls). We can truly say that we enjoyed having Marie-Claire with us, and tatliing to us. We now understand a little more about France. We would like to thank her and will do so in the best Possible waY: Mercibien Rowena Harris, 6E.
lcarus se d6gourde ses bras de l'aspiration. tout d'un couP ll est en haut, En montant, ll fait son essor, Mais il ne veut pas sulvre te conseilde son pdre Les ailes de I'insPiration Le bon conseil de la vie. En vers le ciel, En prenant la ioie, Dans son vol hardi, ll a pris son voyage Trop haut, H6las! "Ni trop haut Ni trop bas"
i'h6pitnl ? Out COm rne nt tla t-i I ? r,*"s/ m Y"n ll6?ail6? i &t'/!tp.t'w W ilb,*t J'ai'T /^'.,n 4 €/loz I A llo c F sr L'HoP ITA> I'h6pitot ? I lCUl ou, z TOI\/ Al"1l EST MORT ooo,4rLgttoo" ,.ft1-Oj(l- -"" AfplJ- "." ,rng'rL
Fiona Whi,te 6D.
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