1978 School Magazine

r\tt'o rc other languages, is relatively easy to learn, lts simplicity is illustrated by the fact that several girls who began stu- dying Esperanto earlier this year have now reached a basic conversational level. JennY McFarlane & MandY Boustead.

An Esperantist Community in Brazil "Bona Espero" (meaning "good hope" in Fsperanto)is a small community guided by Esperantists in Brazil. ln this community orphans and other under-privileged children live on a farm and attend school with one difference. Esperanto is included in their curriculuml lf the children want to communicate with most of the volunteer workers who care for them, they have to speak Esperanto. The children and the administrators form the core of the establishment and the remaining adult population con- sists of a composite group of people from Germany, France, ltaly, Australia, America, Argentina and Brazil among others. Esperato is often the only means of com- munication. An amazing feature is that the children whose educational standard would be far below ours speak their second language "Esperanto" almost as fluently as their native Portuguese. A display of a variety of skills, exchanges of different cultural backgrounds;, an interesting style of life are all shared in the one Esperanto community. ln this setting Esperanto has certainly proved its point. People of dif- ferent nationalities need not be mute and helpless or rely on interpretors if they have a knowledge of an i4terna- tional language Mrs. Steele




1. Under 2. Good Morning

1. Without 4. Dogs 7. Date B. Whale 9. ln

3. Page 4. today 5. Nine

6. Here ls . . .! 10. ls Sleeping 12. Man 13. Picture 15. One 17. Good-Bye 20. Looked 22. Beautiful (PL) 23. No

10. Gave 11. Five 14. Forms A Question 'l 6. Tomorrow 18, Only 19. Flower 21. Through 23. Not 24. Statue 25. Petro's Friend 27. Falher

The lnternational Language

During 1977, Mrs. Steele, an Esperantist, visited South America and found that while it was difficult to com- municate in the native language, Esperanto provided an excellent means of communication since it is spoken by many South Americans and people from other con- tinents. This international communication is the principle purpose of the international language which was devised by Dr. L.L. Zamenhof and first published in t887. lt is so obviously practical that it is diff icult to understand why it has not been generally accepted. lt has a few basic, sim- ple rules whave have no exceptions and, compared to

26. Already 27. To lake 28. Beside 30. lf

28. Also 29. Shut 30. Upon 31. But 32. Spoke


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