1978 School Magazine

VOLLEYBALL The enthusiasm shown by the teams this year not only on Saturday mornings but at practices certainly was rewardable. All three teams deserved credit for their ef- forts. The 'C' grade were premiers and the 'A' and 'B' grades were runners up. We all offer thanks to St' Peter's Volleyball teams who shared some of their prac- tice time to help our games. Many thanks also goes to the faithful supporters. ,.A" GRADE VOLLEYBALL


VOLLEYBALL A Grade 1. St. P ) g6u2g co) 3. BGGS) IGGS)equal soM) B Grade

1. Sr. P. 2.CC) C Grade 1, BGGS) 3, BSHS


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DIVING The small team of two entered this year did well to come third. There is diving talent within the school so if you wish to compete in the interschool competition next year be prepared for February/March.



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INTERSCHOOL DIVING CHAMPIONSHIPS Jane Baxter - 4th Belinda Stevens - 11lh Pair: Jane Baxter - ;;i;d,'it-*"n, j 3'd

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