1978 School Magazine

6. 3rd Form Cross Counlry - This year, due to a tremendous eflort from our lorm, 3E managed to be the victors ol the 3rd form cross-country. 7. Straighl aller 1sl Semesl€r - We changed English leachers from Mrs. Crommelin to Mr. Walsh. L Twice lhis year, we nearly lost our class room, E1 , but as we had lols of plans for decorating our room, we had a reasonable argument and we were able to keep it. g. 1317178 * Mrs. Stenders French studenls had a French pa(y for Bastille Day 10. 2117178 - We went to the Planelarium. 11. 2417178 - Four geography students went to a geography excursion at "Woolara" Dairy Farm. 12. 2916178 - The art students went to see the N.4useum. As a whole, our class is always wiiling to come to any events our school puts on in order to sup" porl it in any way we can. . . ,{-\ ln the beginning, 3F were a harmless bunch ot 3rd tormers who were ignoranl of the ways ol 3rd form life. 3F were lucky - they lived in the cottages which gave them plenty of chances to catch up on undone homework and an excuse to be late lor lessons. Throughout a period of about 10 months, 3F worked at the usual school activities such as swimming, assjgnments, ballgames, assignments, athletics, and assignments. Suddenly the whole of 3F's life was disrupted - they were to be moved lo E2. This was a blow to 3F but they managed lo adjust to the strange way of life-having a 6th form and a stallroom on one side and other teachers all around they had to I So 3F will remain in E2 for the rest of the school year untjl they take another step into 4th iorm. FORM FOUR A 25th January: We were back at school with a new form leacher, Mrs. Stenders, and a new member o1 the class. '1sl March: lnterform swimming - we did quite well in mosl oi the events with Amanda Leeson slreaking ahead 10 win. 7th March: A member of our class, Rachel Montague, injured her spine in a riding acci- denl, and in the weeks to come we visited her in hospiial. 3rd April: "One Day in the Life of lvan Denovich" was showing at the Schonell Theatre, and as we were studying the book in class, we all had to lroop along to see it. We held our end of semester lorm party. Our form colour is grey (or silver as we preter) and everyone was provided with some sort ot decoration in thal respect, as well as red ribbons for the block col- our. ll was our netball team which triumphed. We made our way easily to lhe finals where we were lo play against 6E. We lostl The fourth form barbeque was held in the gym and under the Library. lt was quite successlul and all the food was ea1en. ln conjunction with our careers lessons once a week, we went down to the Careers Reference Centre in Eagle Streel. lt was a greal help to some people. Our French class was visited by Marie4lajre Legris, and had an enjoyable time questioning her aboul life in France. 48 1978 Throughout lhis year 4B has perlormed well, quite outdoing ourselves ln the interform sports. The 'B's' came second overall and we managed to gain fourth place in the separate lorm lolals. Kathy Adams and Annabel Lahz did us credit by winning the tennis for the second suc- cessive year. But unfortunately, in the basketball we were defeated by 44 in our first game - the score beinq 33-01 [,4embers oi 4B were chosen 10 be the team for the interschool German Quiz compelition at the University. After weeks oi coaching, the team: Annabel Lahz, Anne Graff, and Rosemary Greenham wenl on to win their round. Many of our members entered for the Goelhe Verse Speaking Compelition. 48 changed lorm rooms alter lirst semester from G1 to W6. We had a successJul Sweet Stall and ralfled a Lolly Hamper early in the year, the proceeds of which will go to School-Day. We had an important day on Thursday,2Sth September. The German Ouiz team came a close second to Kenmore in the fifals, and Judith Mcclenahan had her opening night as Cleopatra in lhe Combined Play, earning a very pleasant review in the Courier Mail the next morning. Bolh pallies were very grateful to the enlerprising Malhs Stafl who staged a lesl - 2nd period on Friday morning 1 13tn July: 26lh July: 27th July: l(,9 O\ \ vcl ,/ \_-z 3F 23rd June 281h J!ne

We're halfway lhrouoh the cJass, And aren't we having lun, Reading throuqh this description of the class who's No.1. Now l've got this far And I'm really rather stuck To say something ol the next girl Whose name is Wendy Luck. Delwyn was our dancer But she gave it all away Cathy t\,4uhling's iust returned From the good old USA! Have you ever wondered Why people are so lussy? Well don't ask me ldon'l know - Go ask, Suzanne Nussey. Now here's two fine names You shouldo't be without - Susan Pillow.... And mag. rep. Nikki Prout. Febecca Biggs, it is sald ls our librarian's daughler And Helen Seale is nexl in line Playing Polo in lhe water.

Michelle is No.2 When il comes to all the "S's" Mandie still is No.3 With shoulder lenglh brown lresses. Now we come to a girl Who's really sweel and pure Yes, my word, you guessed it right ls Jenny Wicht and Kym Leif Garrett's their idol, They're mad aboul him. Well, now we seem lo have come To the bottom of our line. And because I'm getting wriler's cramp It's skinny thing, Sue Ure. The nexl fine pair we have

Thal suits me just line. But wait on just a minute Oh dear I'm in a jam

I almosl lorgot our sports rep, That fiery redhead Melinda Yam. To our everloving torm mistress The failhlul lvirs. Swayne We thank her for enduring us And bearing ail the pajn.

4D DIARY At the beginning of the year 4D chose to raise money for Foundation 41 which is a research programme run by Dr. William McBride, and is a group of experienced men and women who research the lirsl 41 weeks of lile atler conception. On the 23rd of February 4D had a sweet stall to raise money * $20 or $30. At the beginning of April we decided to run a carwash to raise money. Fortunately the staft of B.G.G.S. showed great interest in the worthy cause, so there were many cars to clean. We washed several cars every fortnight and this brought in a large sum ot money. On the 1 7th o{ March our class joined together to wash the walls of Wl 0, our classroom. This was a deiiniie improvement, for our classroom looked much brighter and cleaner, especially with some bright poslers on the clean wall. Our Vigoro leam came second to 68. lt was a lantastic game but unlortunalely we lost by one point. Eventhough we lost several matches we did come third in the entire school, which we feel was a pretly good effort! We were stimulated all through the year by our beloved leader, Mrs. Torney. She became a ftiend and comforter in our griel and misery, giving us the strength to carry on. She was wilh us in both our failures and successes. FORM 4E DIARY 1978 At the beginning of 1 978, we began a redecoration program of our lorm room, W 1 0. With the help 01 our form mistress, Mrs. McPheal, we spent one Friday afternoon after school scrubbing the very grubby warls. Girls broughl pot plants and poslers, and a sla rl raised $1 6, half ol which went lo the Cancer Fund and half to buy curtains and a palm lree for our room. Every member ol 4E had something to offer to school lile...ln the athletics, Jann cillespie recorded a new long jump record, Sarah Betl plays the drums, and several girls are in the orchestra and concert band. Tracey Tolcher received an Hon. menlion in the German speaking conlest and Jodie Harrison was in the Junior A debating team. Everyone has shown greal lorm spirt and it is a little unfortunate thal we will not be able to be logether as one form next year.

5A CLASS DIARY 16-1911/78 Fifth Form Camp. Camp Feps: Sue A., Louise; Kalrina.

At the camp concert, we finally had the chance to display our budding musical slar, Tracey Beikolf who came equal first lo win the "Lynch Memorial prjze" at camp. 5A's discussion groups were on "Communication" and included in lhis was "Body Language. " Our very own Jenny A. O'Donnell came lirst, Katrina Heer came 3rd and Cathy Boyce came 4th in the cross-country. ffhe rest of the form just have shorler legs, that's alJ).

211 t78 1gth April

Cake Slall - sold cakes to stalf.

Everyone lrooped off on their Biol excursion, gymmies'n'alll Somewhere in between we had our Economics excursion to Casilemaine Perkins Brewery.

4C's EPIC ln a big, big room called W s There were some chicks who knew how to jive These were prelty coo cats And l'll tel you weil Thal one of these ch cks Was named Kale Bell Now I hope you hear Or have already heard I ha1 anolher chtck ls lVary Bird. She sils at the back Of the big, big room And as lttt e vrce caot2in Keeps away gloom. Next down the line ls lal, 1ail Robvn The baby 01 the class But high as a mountain I

zTd May

Now we come to the "C's" A cule little trio

Geog. excursion. Ah, this was a day for 5A to remember! We had a most en- joyable morning observing the sun - tanned surfies zooming in cin lhe morn- ing waves. Who said Geography was boring? FORM ACTIVITIES 58 1978 Aparl from parlicipating in the usual school acljvilies such as form sport, jnlerschool sporl and other inlerests within the school,5B decided to undedake an unusual charity effort. At the beginning of this year, a number oi deserted Bush-babies were rescued by Taronga Park Zoo from the large fires in N.S.W. The Zoo made an appeal lor sponsors for these animals- Our lorm captain at that lime, Jacky Thompson, spoke to our class and we then decided lo sponsor an orphaned animal. Eventually vie received a letter back from Taronga Park Zoo telling us of our Sugar Glider. Afler much consideration we made a list of names to choose from which included: Ben, Enqlebert, Fred and Harry. Ben was chosen and he wjll soon be old enough to be released from the Zoo. We raised our money for sponsorship by a teachers'cake stall. Later, in the year our fiith torm camp representatives were parlicuJarly active. Kathy Nolan, Sonya Anderson and Hyl Mortimer were continually at meetings and organizing various ac- tivilies for the camp. The camp was a great success and every 5th former enjoyed hersell.

Callinan and Cowie And Rjna Capiello. Kalrina is next The mouse ol the class Followed by Sue Ferguson Whose nose should be moulded in brass

Our one and only "G" ls llttle Susanne Go e

Our marvellous library rep who admirably lills her role. Lisa Hepburn is our arlist And our lelevision fanalic Sarah Hunt was our first vice, She keeps you gojn' at ill Next we come to Caroline Known allectionalelY as PorkY And then along comes new girl ln the Form of Jenny Keruke.


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