1978 School Magazine

5C The year for 5C started with a refreshed outlook on school life. Seven new additjons io the school were placed into 5C and the form teacher, Mrs. Sanderson, was^also new to the school ln the swlmming carnival Kay Bowen helped the form obtain a few wins. Later in lhe year five of our class members (Leigh Roberts, Jane Peck, Yvette Carlyon, Jane Marshall and Cathy Guy), participated in 'The Boy ln The Cart', which was a big success. The cross country proved a success also with Jacki Drynan coming second. Ourrecordhop,mainlyorganizedbyYvetteCarlyon,raisedapproximately$50 41Pprovidedus with a funjilled lunch-hour. Our camp representatives - Ruth Wilson, Marie Ploetz and Mary North - worked hard to help make the fifth form camp not only a lot ol fur.r but also very pro- f itable. A very proud 5C came out on top after the lesults of sports day were given. Together with the 'C' block, 5C had a tremendous victory, and the same day we were able to raise approximalely $35 on frozen drinks. Athletics day to the delight of Miss Harvey (our P.E. teacher), was another victory for 5C. Achievements were as follows: 100m -'C'Grade, Elizabeth Ham 1st. - D'arcia Byrnes 2nd. Long Jump - Gill Lindsay 1st. Hurdles - Gill Lindsay 1 st (1 6 years) Relays -'B'Grade, 5C 1st. - 'C' Block, 1st (Gill Lindsay & Kay Bowen) Ballgames - 1st and 2nd. 5C sold frozen drinks again and raised over $40. For School Day 5C held a manure stall, which perhaps was not advertised enough. By the end of the day much of the manure was stili sitting in the driveway, but did not go to waste as the next day most of it was sold, to Mrs. Thiele. ln the G.P.S. Athletics we had these compelitors - Kay Bowen, Elizabeth Ham and Gill Lind- say. Gill Lindsay was successful in that she came third in the hurdles. - chose form representatives. - decorated class room wjth plants. * won interform swimming, received 2 trophies. - decided to support Foundation 41 as our charity money - made $20. - sat for our Senior Besuscitation Certificate and all passed. * 5 girls from 50 in intetrschool swimming. - starled bowling in P.E. and continued to end of term. * went on a biology excursion to Dunwich. - 6 girls from 5D involved in "Boy With A Cart". * started a raffle to raise money for charity. Fiaffled a "Saturday Night Fever" Album, raised $66. - Parent "get-teknow-you" evening at Fiona Scoti's place. - elected form captain and vice for 2nd term. - participated in all torms of sport on Sports day, got into the semi-finals of Viqaro and Netball. 5th form camp, 5D ran the icebreakers on Saturday night - went well. . . * had a cake stall to raise April: May: June: July: 3 girls from 5D involved in musical - 1 pirate, 2 girls. - 1 girl from 5D in inter-school ballgames. - 3 girls from 5D went on Cooloola Trip. - 4 girls from 5D went on Snowy Mountain Trip. September; - went on a Biology excursion in the 2nd week of term. Kym Bowen designed the Tee-shirt print to go on the Tee-shirts sold on School Day. - 2 girls from 5D ran in the G.P.S. athletlcs. CLASS DIARY Firsl day ot school: Unceremoniously placed in a corridor, which was to become (little did we know), a bustling highway of U.P.G.'s (Unidentified Pushy Girls). Soms months lalsr: Ceremonious opening of folding doors by Mr. Garton (Blue satin ribbon cutting and all, you know. We do things in style). Famous Quote - "Gee, they even provided left-handed scissors". But. . , problems develop: The folding doors began to develop a strange habit - they were never closed. U.P.G.'s were overrunning lhe classroom. HELP! Suddenly.. . Tha Word ol Powsr: Mrs. Hancock declares our corridor closed to traftic ex- cept to prominant members of the school (that is - teachers and 5Eers). But: The saga continues - a dribble of U.P.G.'s stlll f requents our 'room'. Will the new ramps savd us? Find out: When lhe ramps are completed. Class Achiavemenls: - Record in the 16 years Eight Oar. - Second in Ping-Pong Tournament Winner of the Losers in Tennis and - a fabulous Volleyball Team. Much, much latgr: The new ramp bypasses are beginning to succeed. Ah I The tranquility of a quiet corridor. The teachers still trespass. School Day: Thems Environment - what more can we say? We survived. . . TVEWS FLISH,. SOPHIA LAHZ OF 5E WINS GERMAN SCHOLARSHIPI Maths Assembly: 5E organized "Algebra Street" and "Mr. Bourke in 1808". Thanks to Jane Pillow. Camp Ass€mbly: 5E fashion parade. Models for hire. . . Flnally: Outbreaks of mumps and measles rack the class, Sue Voss disappears regularly. Flnally (l lhink): Luigi and Maria domonate the Phyics class and assemblies. Keepa dan- cing, Maria and Luigi - when's you next bestest trick? February March: 5D CLASS DIARY August:

6A DIARY Despite ihe fact that 64 have held the B.G.G.S. Apathy Award for the past two years - the iorm's uncharacteristic involvement in school affairs this year seems to indicate that the time is ripe to hand the hard-earned title lo more worthy and unenthusiastic class Theyearwasbegunpoorlywiththeacqulsilionofoneprefectandiiveclassseniors Whatcan we have done to deserve such responsibility? To further let ihe side down, girls from 6a have participated in school sport such as softball, swimming, water polo, volleyball, aihletjcs and (yawn) hockey. ln a less repulsively energelic vein, form members have been involved in debating, choir and of course, the school muslcal. Money raised by 64 has gone to the Leukaemia Foundation. At least the form's talent for record numbers on the overdue book list has not showed signs of slackening. As for our form mistress' part in this mutiny to the cause of indifference - Mrs Sharma, you have a lot to answer for! 68 FORM NOTES The lasl year al Grammar is nearly over and I can assule the younger forms thai leaving will not be easy. 6B though has made lhe mpst ol the limited iime left by winning the Vigoro. Overall 68 being placed 2nd in the school. ln Swimming we showed our style again by being placed lourth ln the school. Anne i/artin and carolyn Sommerville represented Oueensland in Waterpolo in New Zealand and gained Swimming and Waterpolo pockets fol the Schoql, while Chris Hillwas placed 6th in the State Cross Country Championships. Janette Mitchell was awarded a Music pocket and Gale Tyson "Service to Debating".68 has been well represented in school sport and the form is very proud of the above girls. Apart from being active in the school, 68 has chosen also to support a charity. The charity which we chose raises money to provide bedding for children in the third world countries who live on the streets. We decided to run two stalls, the first a sweet stall which was very suc- cessful and later a cheerio stall. The cheerio stall was an experience in itself as near the end we tried to sell cold cheerios on a winter day. Already we have raised enough money ior two bed packs ior the Street Urchins, the direction of Anne Gauci being very much appreciated. 6B is also very proud of and would like to congratulate the following girls from our form on their selection to their positions: Quota Student of the Year and Head Girl - Gale Tyson; Prefects - Carolyn Somerville and Sandie Wilson; Form Seniors - Ronelle Ellis, Chris Hill, Pip Dunn, Donna Richards and Gayle Woods; proposed Rotary Exchange Sludents - Janette Mitchell, Donna Richards, Ronelle Ellis and Anna Fearnley. on behalf oi 68 I'd like to thank Miss Greet lor all her hard work in E.E.A. which really has been appreciated, Mrs. Lynch for her counselling and advice, Mrs. Bunt for her eternal palience and last but not least, our form mistress and physics teacher Miss Collinson for not giving up hope for us. DIARY FOR 6C 1978 6C has a cause to be jubliant - the year slarted bravely, and now, in last semester, we are still courageously attacking schoolwork and teachers with wild abandon. We do owe, however a lot of this rarely seen spirit lo two people - Jo Drust and Terumi Takahashi. Jo, from Penn- sylvania, lell in July after a year ol fun and good friendship, a very teary learwell. And Terumi "Takahash", who arrived in 3rd semester, and whose antics and Japanese "peculiarisms" have delighted us totally. Thankyou to a certain form mistress, Mrs. J., who persevered through form periods and canoe- ing camps. .. As a class, 6C has worked together well, sportswise,.and.other. ln the interform athletics, the ballgames team was fast and competenll Track events were well represented by the form. At the interlorm sportsday,6C sported a champion volleyball team, good netball and tennis teams, and anot so good vigaro team . . . however, the essence of the day was to get everyone involved, while having fun . . . and fun was certainly had by all. Swimming has never been our forte, and we were again pipped to the winning post by the junior formsl 6C is', of course, a very important class within sixth form because, of the thirty or so girls in the class, two are Prefects, five are Class Seniors, four who comprise - almost all of the Magazine Committee - two soon to be Botary Exchange students . . . and the list keeps on go- ing. 6C, this is your lifel FORM 6D Well 6D have certainly been active this yearl (Please detect a note of sarcasm there). Those with small musterings of enthusiasm though, must be mentioned for their fundraising activities for Leukemia Research- February brought "George", a beautiful flulfy wbite stuffed dog ac- companied by a big green ribbon. He was raffled, and on the 24th April was placed in the hands of an estatic elght year old leukemic patient. lntormal Day arrived ori the 29th June and netted $500 for the cause. Sportswise, I won't call 6D outstanding, but they do try . . . (when forced to). And endjng on that note of enthusiasm, that about wraps up the year for 6D! *Except that we are having another lnlormal Day on the 23rd November, and it's going to be a biggyl 6E 6E's very own happening happened on the 3'1 st March, when we screened Mahogany, in aid of our class charity World Vision. Members of 6E participated in such school events as Tho Boy With A Carl on the 27th April; Sports Day (where we triumphed in Netball)i the 1 4th July Eastille Assembly, and Th6 Pirates ol Panzance 2-5tn ALgust. 6E returned after the holidays to be met with the prospect of a busy term's work, and with the realization that there were only 1 2 weeks left over. Sue Gordon and Gwen Young were chosen to attend the Geography Teachers' Association Camp on the weekend of the gth September. A number of girls have entered the Geography Association's Competition.

R. Harris,6E


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