1978 School Magazine


2A 22nd Februaty: 2nd in Swimming Carnival. 17th July:

Raised $20 at a stall for a boy overseas we're sponsoring.

Valley Pool Carnival (interform swimming)'

28lir June:

2A in Loser's linal for Table Tennis and Tennis. 23rd September: Snakes and Keyrings at the 2nd form Schoolday iilall. 28th Seplember: School photos. Hide, il possible. 30th September: 5 class members in G.P.S. . . . Lisa Small (4th), Marcia Kewley (Reserve), Kathie Jeays (61h), Susan Bendeich (2nd), Jenny Stewart (6th)

We had a "Guess how many lollies in the bottle" competition. Linda Bassingthwaite won (2F). Sweet Stal in which we raised $11.55.

l',4arch 8-14th:

April 20th:

June 5th: (Something Saw ballet, Coppelia like,t) June 7-1 3th:


Ralfled a radio. Drawn by N.4rs. Hancock. Won by Cathy White, sister ol Sue While, 2F. lnterform Sporls. Vigaro, Table Tennis and Tennis, Nelball, etc. Se- cond in 2nd Form. Sir Thomas Brisbane Planetarium. Cross Country (2nd Margaret Bowen, Bth or gth Sally Clarke).

Swimming Day - April

The class swam well on the whole, and we were well pleased. We held a very successful "Teddy Bear Competition" and Sweetstall. We had plenty el entries and raised over $60 for the S.C.F. Helped torm the Junior lnteract. Judy Simpson, from our ciass, is the President. The class went to the Planetarium(l) with the 3rd iormers. ll was thoroughly enjoyable and well worthwhile. The dlass did well in all ol the events. Our vigoro leam came top of 2nd Form. The class' ballgames team came 1 st, 3rd and 1 s1. we gained places in other events as well. Nilembers of the class conlributed to the Library dispJays and English displays. They helped on the 2nd form stall, E.G.O. stall and Junior ln- teract. Cathy Curphy, our Sports Rep. was in the Relay Team. Nrany sup- porters from our class turned up.

Wed. June 28th

Ju ne

July 20th: Wed. July 2'1st: Frlday July 28th: September Bth:



lnterform Athletics Broke records'

Ultra-successful form party with sauna, swim and disco

Athletics day

3A DIARY At Sports Day became school champions for Ping-Pong, Sally and Jillian. Changed classrooms from W6 to E6, now have terranium, fish tank and zookie cage. Wenr to Planetarium. Wenr to Geography Field Trip. Now o'gan:zing a Pie-Swap to raise money tor Schooi{Day stalls. 34 are now starting a mouse experiment down at bush house. The people that are organizing it and working it are: Lisa Wilkie, Helen Pearson, Kim Munro, and Rowena Harris. 7. Fareweli party to Chris Hlll. B. 3A had a parents gei-together at Ny'rs. Holmes' place at Kenmore. There parents met each other and talked to Nrrs. Thiele, our torm mistress. 3B's REPORT Firstly, the biggest idea we had this year was to brighten up our classroom (whlch was rather dull and made us feel the same way). The first step was to paint the walls white and paint the skirting boards purple to go with the desks. We also painted a sunset over the water, a palm island and a ship which had run aground on lhe large board at the back of the room. Next we had to think of something for the front of the room. One of the girls came up with the idea of a large flower round the clock. We are also bringing poi plants for the room. The class is very happy with the results from careful planning and hope that th e other classes also do something to brighten their rooms as we did. G.P. S. Sports - Cathy Swannell was in the javelin and went quite well achieving 2nd place for hersell. Jane Nicklin was in the 800 and was cheered to a 7th place. G.P.S. Gym - We have five girls from our class in the Gym teams, Jennifer Clark is in the B team and Jane Nicklin, Janis Claxton, Anne Cowan, Margy Johnson are all in the D team. All are looking forward to the G.P.S. and they have been praclising their routines every day The class is now making plans for a record hop and hope lo make a reasonable amount of money lrom it. CLASS DIARY FOR 3C Monday, 6th lvlarch All classes went on camp to Coolum. Thursday, gth March Returned from camp. Monday, sth June Held a sweet stall amongst class. N4onday, 1gth June Held another sweet stall - raised altogether about $1 1 Friday, 21st July All went to Planelarium. Monday, 24th July Lenore and Ann went on Geography trip to Woolhara Dairy Farm. Schoo! Day The word is tropical (food and drinks etc.) c.P.S. Sue Kaesehagen and Lenore Taylor 2nd in 'B'Grade Reiay rania Kins ?:l il i33 il:iH B'Grade. FORM 3D Our form had been running a raffle to raise $60 for the S.C.F. child we are supporting. First prize was a 'Happy Joe' - kjndly donated by l/r. Sproule. Second was a pretty, yellow bed doll - given to us by Kim Hauce, and third was a delicious box of chocolates. The total sum made was $40 and the lucky winner was l/argaret Jane Comino. To raise the extra $20 a Walk-a{hon has been suggested but the idea !s not finalised yel. Our cldss had a few competitors in the G.P.S. this year who periormed quite well. They were Heather Fobinson, Amanda Platt and Megan Kennedy. Two other 3D'ers. are doing well in debating and have only been deleated by Terrace (iwice). The two debators are Karen Angel and Sharon Mickan. The class deserved a distinclion or credit in the recent l,4aths competition - there were quite a number. Last of all but not least,3D says a big thankyou to Wanda (the Witch) Harris who was aa fan- taslic form senior lor '1 978. 3E REPORT 1978 1. Swimming Carnival - We put a lot of effort for our E Block, and the people who were not in it, certainly supporled their fellow members. 2. 6 March-g March - The whole 3rd form went on a 3rd form camp at Coolum. 3. 25.5.78 Our class held a sweet stall. 4. Sporls Day - We had lots of team spirit, although we didn't do very well. 5. lnlormal Day * We raised a great deal ol money to help the "Kirsten Jack Leukemia Funds". 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.





Sweet Stall - Made over $30. 2116178 Cross Country - Six made it, the other 19 revived the next day. 2316178 Hush-a-Thon - lt became a very trying time, as some teachers and girls triecj to trick us into talking, bul a few managed to survive, wjlhout losing any money from sponsors. After school we went by bus 1o the Wordsworth's residence, where we spent the rest of the evening eating and making articles for School Day. Everyone left by nine o'clock. We then were silent until 8.30 Saturday morning, to complete the 24 hours. We have made over $1 00. THE CLASS OF 2D On the day ol the interschqol sports, our class was the champion in netball for all second form. Alrer playing lhe second foimers, we played 4A and lost: 24-4. Later on in the year our class had a raffle for Save the Children Fund and raised $80.00. There werB ma'ny prizes - a large chocolate cake, 2 record vouchers, 2 pairs of tickets to the cinema, etc. ln July our class, Latin students and many others collected second-hand books. All the books were sold and a lot of money raised. On School Day, we had a good day at the 2nd Form Art & Craft Stall. At the G.P.S. Sports a week later, 3 girls from 2D participated . . . Katherine Comino came se- cond in the 13 and under Javelin, Anne Orford came 6th in the 'D' Grade 100 lvletres, and her Relay came 4th. Susan Waring was reserve for the undetr1 3 Shotput. Overall,2D had an exciting year! 2E Swimming - We had two swimmers in the G.P.S. Swimming. Susan Rose came fourth in the breast stroke and the relay team, of which she was a member, came first. Angela Wardrobe's relay team came fourth and with her individual efforts she came lourth in the 50 metres lreestyle and tifth in lhe 1 00 metres freestyle. Tennis - Two members ol our class, Elizabelh Jameson and Melinda were members of the Grade B Tennis Team. Their team finished second to Brisbane Siate High School. Nelball - Only one member of 2E was selecied in the Grade 8 Netball team. Jenny Sharpe played Centre lor the 8a's. Ballgames - Jenny Sharpe made the 1 3 years ballgames team which did not win any events. 'Cross Counlry - Atgela Wardpbe.came first in the Grade B Cross Country. She was a member ol the B.G.G.S. team that came second at the Queensland Titles. Ann Denny came .seventh in the Grade I Cross Crountry. She was also a member of the 1 3 years Cross Country. Alhlstics - Angela Wardrobe came fourth in the G.P.S. 800 metres. Ann Demy was a reserve for the 1 4 years 200 metres and 400 metres. Music: Concerl Band - Gillian Moses and Andrea Grant are both members of the B.G.G.S. Concert Band, Gillian plays the saxophone while Andrea plays the tlute and piccolo. Orchsslra - Elizabeth Ribeiro plays the violin in the B.G.G.S. Orchestra and Andrea Grant plays the llute and piccolo. Schooi Work: Malhs Dislinclions - Five girls from 2E received Maths Distinctions. They were Gillian l/oses, Elizabelh Jameson, Jenny Sharpe, Suzanne Muskens and lrlichelle Mahoney. Msths Cr€dits - Amanda Rooney, Leanne Wood, Phillipa Ward, Joanne Wood, Susan Rose, Suzanne Blanch, Diane Mcolenahan received Maths Credits. Fund Raising: Sav6 th€ Children Fund - Around Easter, this year we commenced to ralfle a giant Easter E99 for S.C.F. Tickets were sold ior 10 cenls. Overall we made a profit ol $65. School oay - 2E joined with the rest of second form made a profit of over $1,000 in the Se- cond Form Arts and Crafls Stall.


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