1977 School Magazine
I wish I could escape this maze of self obsession- Distil that long pondered essence of myself, and lock it in some silver, shining walnut shell Hung about my neck.
Then, when doubting I could hold that lambent mini-moon jirmly closed within one hand. Absorbing its worth. HELEN ROSE
V p F-.1
SYMtsON-S OF' T'F{E SEVEI{T'NES Captain Cook sailed past coco-cola cans in a murkv creek pursued by 10.000 Bay City Roller fans. Past beaches futl of peopTe ancl cars scraps of cheeky bikinis and Women stumbling along eueen Street in their stiletto heels. Norman_Gunston and football fons sped by on roller skates. A seagull flew by dropping plummetting out of the sky down onto the rocks to be decomposed by A chain reaction of sflttttng atoms.
Like a big, black prison, lhe smog and haze shadows me. As I sit on the curb I reach for the trompled stick, My mind. ponders of what this hell dungeon was like, before man infested it. Faintly I hear the tntck, of course I know its duty, ils duty is to remove my parents and siblings last possessions.
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