1977 School Magazine
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THE I.AST LESSON I watched as all the letters melted from my pen, and its nib dissolved into a droplet on the page. Glanced up to see my tescher drain into the blackboard, her chalk falling one crystal iewel of dew upon the swimming carqet. Solid desks, steel frame chairs, friend s, ac quain tan c e s, We were all diffusing smoo thly, softly, slowly Flesh, cloth, hair and thoughts all merging. Souls diluted in the thickening air to water. Then some mighry current rolled us into one vast sea,
REFLECTIONS DI.]RTNG I,ESSONS "Gee Maisy, school is a bore." "Boredom indicates an absent mind."
"So,I got an empty head, it rottles when I stand up." "Everyone l*tows brains take up space in your head." "The only space in my head, Maisy, is the space between my ears." "You know, they sry brains reflect the environment you were brought up in." "I must have been bom in a swamp." "'That's not necessarily true, Maude. You have to teach your brain to . . . . . not get bored. You have to truin it to adapt to tts suftoundings qnd tuke in interesting things you see. "My brain does what it wants. It went on strike when I stmted school, because tt refused to do overtime. It lies there like a lump of jam now. You don't suppose you can get brain transplants." "I don't think so, if you could have anybody's brain, whose would it be." "King Kong's,I suppose. He and I have a lot in common." "Ding-Ding-Ding." '.'.What are you doing at lunchtime, Maude." '_'The usual - writing obscene letters to Molly Melon and signing tiem "chickenman strikei again" . - . . . .
eternal fathoms of quiet, still, shadows. No longer secret our thoughts played together, vibrations in the grey, green depths. HELEN ROSE
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