1974 School Magazine

INTER.ACT' CL{JB REPCIRT' Our Interact Club has completed another most successful year. The three aims of Interact this vear were greater service to the school, Inter- national seriice and service in the community' Our first major project was donating a flgs to the school. A cbmpetition was held for the best design and this was won by Helen Webb. We were"very proud to present ihe school with such a beautiful flag. A Tupperware Party was held for a "money raiser" and we sold $650 worth of Tupperware, from this we made $l'30, half of this was given to the School Centenary Fund and the other half to the Boothville Hospital Theatre Fund. An Interact Art Union was held with a prize of a cassette-radio where a profit of $572 was made and donated to the School Centenary Fund. For our International Service our International Director Elizabeth Croker has been busy writing letters to other Interact Clubs exchanging ideas. Our Club was very pleased when we were asked to act as a host to Yukiko Tsjui. It was lovely to welcome her to our school and we are all trying to make her stay in Brisbane as happy as possible. One of our activities of service in the com- munity included a clean-up day at Bishop Island. We invited the Redcliffe Interact Club and we School days - they must be influence on our life and l've spent some of these days in here, Australia. I'm sure I'm very lucky. School itself is not so different. Difference is - I think - it is a difference between Australian and Japanese. At first time I felt this school is much free than my school of Japan. It mean not only a uniform. My school uniform is more suitable, people say. Length of skirt is just before th6 knee and blouse and blazer' Boys uniform is (because my school is coeducational school) always looks same, high neck blazet with gold colour button and trousers. The colour is dar-k blue (boy's are black) and all we Japanese have a black hair. Of course these must be make us feel something different. I go to school at Monday to Friday in Aus- tralia-. It is much better idea I think, because - you know - we go to school at Monday_ to Friday and Saturday morning in Japan. Our weekend is only half of Saturday and Sunday. And morning and afternoon tea time is not so common. WE have just 10 minutes rest time between 2 and 3 period at school. People spend lots of times to work. I think I know why. Because Japanese people are not good at to spend their spare times. People - at my parents age - liad a lot of war when they were students. Then people could not have so much of spare time. But young kids of our age are different I hope. I know these are not enough but I can't say well. Australia is such a big and I'm really enjoying my time in Australia. country than Japan, every day and every Yukiko Tsuji 6A

INTERACT CLUB Student President: Sandra Pollock Staf{ Representative: Mrs W. Hoog-Antink

soent an eniovable day cleaning up, it was in- .i"aiuri to thiht that 6uch a small island could have so much rubbish. Another service was "nu.ttinn Aboriginals on Saturday mornings, the iuiu.. o"f thir is'undecided' A viiit to the w. R' Black Home to entertain the children was most eniovaUte. We distributed gifts, books and drinks io'ifr"-novul Children's Hospital at the annual Christmas -Party for the children. - in coniuncti6n with the B.G.S. Interact Club we save a special dinner for Mr. Logan in ap- .,."clation I'or his many years in Interact' Our ihanks to iVIr. Logan tiorir g.C'S. and to Mrs' Hoos Antink for their support and advice in our activlties. A special thanks to Mrs. Bain for her helo in makirie our Raffle such a success; and to Mitr Shaw f6r the encouragement and guidance she has given me during my term of office. Mv o&sonal thanks to the committee and the sirls'of thc school for their support in making ihis such a tremendous year. In conclusion I would like to wish the incoming officers 1o, 197Q175 a very succesful and enjoy- able Year' Sandra Pollock President



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