1974 School Magazine


The Queensland Debating Union began this u"urt, sc-hool dcbating seasdn with a successful iuu of u.rv rcwardi-ng talks and discussions' H4inu sitls ittended th'ese talks and found them "n- ."ti.rn.fy hclpful aicl when the interschool competition began. -- ili'iottunrrel!, onlv one team conlinrred in thc compelition after ihe first rounds. The Senior A t"ut'Robyn Torney, Michelle Lihou, I-iane lockwood anO Avrvi Faragher continued to L"i.t"nt the school in the Grand Final against orl et.utttt rival, Brisbane Grammar School' nlifrolrnrt defeated, the team put up a good fight unJ ofi. member, Avryl Faragher, won the tronhv for the best individual Senior A debatet' Voir.tg.t team ntembers, although, unsuccessful, had ai enjoyable and rewarding debating season' Three gtrls nominated for the Queensland J unior Tc-am. One girl, Avryl Faragher, was successful in gaining a position in the team which later de-bated- in Melbourne against the other Australian states. Since the abolition of the house system, we have held inter-form debating' This has provided manv sirls with the opportunity not only to repr6se"nr their form buf also to widen their knowledge ol debating. The d"ebating season, 1974, has proved most successful, but -none of it could have occurred without Mrs. Hunter, whom we would like to thank for not only acting as mediator between the Q.D.U. and ourselves but also for organising the interform debates. Her help and guidance was given to all teams whenever^-they required it and ibr this we arc most grateful' The debating teamJ hope to conclude the de- batins vear w-ith social -debates against other schodls Lfter examinations have been completed. I would like to thank and congratulate all mem- bers for participating in the teams and represent- ing the school. Avryl Faraghet Fresident

S.A.II-ING CLUB The Sailing club started off the year-with great^ enthusiasm. "W. got stuck right in-the bus]ness of oipanizine u suiling regatta to Ue held at Victoria Polnt bui us luck-would have it. we brought on a cvcloncl Not at all daunted (well, not much anvwayl) we tried desperately to organize a week- .nit ui Caloundra, but owing to exams and a busy school programme we just couldn't find a dat6 which suite? everyone better late than never! By the time you -receive this magazine we will definitely have enjoyed a picnic at Atkinson's Dam (on 24ih Novemb'er). There are on display around the school a colourful array of patch-work posters, as after changing the place from Bulimba io Atkinson's Dam we have had to change the date also. We have noticed a steady increase in interest in sailing in the school, and at least one Sixth former has recently bought a new boat. After a windless afternoon- on the Brisbane River and a deLy at Caloundra with certain members of the sailing club, Mr. Bourke is rumoured to be busy aboui building his own sailing boat and has adopted the motto "Don't ail - Saill" Fiona Reath (President) Mary Williams (SecretarY)

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