1974 School Magazine
MISS M. A. Maclean We learnt, in the last week of school, 1973, of the death of Miss Marion Maclean. Educated at Maryborough Girls' Grammar School, one of the early students at the Women's College, Miss Maclean graduated B.A. (U. of Q.) in 1916, her main subjects having been Classics and Mathematics. She was always a devoted member of the Old Cbllegians, (in fact, was its first President), and of the Women Graduates' Association. For a time a resident mistress at P.G.C. (War- wick) and at Marsden (New Zealand), she ioined the staff of B.G.G.S. in July 1928; in 1930 she was appointed as senior Mathematics Mistress. In December 1965 she relinquished full-time work, but continued to teach part-time here until December 1966. Miss Elliott wrote of her, in a farewell tribute in the December 1961 masazinc: "Miss Maclean inspiredher pupils with a love of her subject and showed them the meaning of intellectual integrity. But she was more than a very fine teacher of Mathematics: she taught her subject to girls, and those who were fortunate enough to pass through her hands valued the warm human relationship which she so easily established in the classroom. She was interested in their well-being as people, and although she set very high standards of work and conduct, she was always ready to give of her sympathy and understarrding. Those same qualities were strongly in evidence in her work as a Form Mistress, particularly at V and VI Form level, and latterly as a House Mistress. Younger and less experienced members of staff were able to lealn much from her. "In the Common Room Miss Maclean is re- membered with admiration and affection as a staunch colieague. Her warm friendliness, her wide reading and varied interests added breadth and depth to her association with other mem- bers of staff. tror many years she acted as Busi- ness Manager of School Concerts, took a lively interest in the judging of the Esther Beaulent Sewing Competition, and was an adjudicator of the annual Knitting Competitions." Her interest in the school continued, and, after her accident, she derived much pleasure from finding "old girls" among her doctors and nurses, and always welcomed visits from her friends and former colleagues. We pay tribute to one who for many years enriched the life of the schooi by her high stan- dards and warm personality. We gratefuliy acknowledge the gift of the Eng- lish A"ssoeiation (O. braich), dt *ni.n naiit Maclean was a member, who'have presented the E.G.G.S. Library with Lord David Cecil's book on Thomas Hardy (one of her favourite authors) in her memory. B. P.
Wc record thc death this year of Mrs. J. L. Woolcock, after whom the Ida Woolcock Cup is named. She was the widow of the Hon. Mi. Justice Woolcock, for many years Chairman of Trustees.
Mr. J. J. M, Timrnelrn'ans Mr. J. J. M. Timmermans was born in Hol- land, and worked with the Dutch resistance in World War II. He held a Diploma of the Tech- nical College in Art and the Art Teachers' Certi- ficate. He worked at Phillips', Eindhaven, also teach- ing night classes at the Technical Cbllege. He and his wife and three young sons migrated to Australia, where he taught Art in 1953-55 at the State High School, Launceston; his daughter, Sophie, was born in Tasmania. The Timmermans family moved to Brisbane in 1956, and in May of that year he was ap- pointed Art Master at B.G.G.S., a position which he held until his resignation in May 1974 to be- come Director of the Brisbane Galleries at Moorooka. Himsglf an artist, his knowledge and love of his subject gave much pleasure to many of his students, a number of whom themselves be- came artists and art teachers in this State. The mural outside the Room 8 studio and the one on the tuckshop wall still remind us of the cor- porate work of groups of his early Art Students. Later, copper enamelling and pottery work de- veloped another facet of artistic skills. For many years the only man in the staff- room, Mr. Timmbrman handled this situation with the courtesy, dignity and sense of humour that was characteristic of him. Conversation with him was always interesting, and his friends on the staff were interestedly aware of his pride in his children's achievements, and later, of his delight in his grandchildren. His long service leave towards the end of 1973 gave him and his wife the very great plea- sure of revisiting Holland, and relatives there, as well as seeing much of Western Europe, in- cluding Italian art galleries. His appointment as an art gallery director soon after his return, appeared to offer a long desired opportunity to enter another facet of the Art world, which he did with enthusiasm. His sudden death in Iune 1974 was a great sorrow and shock to the staff and girls of B.G.G,S. We should like to record our apprecia- tion of Mr. Timmerman's work for and his friendships in the school over many years, and to express our sympathy to his wife and family. E. P.
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