1974 School Magazine


May: During the holidays members of the Senior history classes attended a History Conference at Bowral and retnrned only to discover that one of the school's most historic monuments had been demolished. Second Term was hit off with a Prefects v. Staff Votleyball Match, Mr. Bourke's astonishing serving skill put the prefects at a distinct dis- advantage. June: June is always a month of high tension when the end of Semester cxams be-sin and June 1974 was no exception. For.rrth Form and Mrs. Salzman set olf acain for a few days on a survival camp. As a result of Friday afternoon activities wc held tr,vo meetings with State High, one kayaking along the Brisbane River and the other bicycling up to Slau-qhter Falls at Mt. Cootha. Avrll Faraghcr. the captain of our debating teams, was chosen to represent Queens- land in interstate titles. As the only girl in the team: Avryl, congratulationsl Thanks to lots of hard work by Mrs. Lynch, Sixth Form spent two enjoyable and helpful days in a work experi- ence programme discr.rssin-s their futur!' careers with experts in thc'ir relcvant fields. July: ln July a very successful Sixth Form 'Forma]' was held at Moomba. We wor.rld likc to thank the small group of organizers for the time they devoted to ensure rl success. Our official B.G.G.S. football team camc homc victorious for the third consecLrtive year cntitling them officially to retain the trophy. Their prowess on the field, particLrlarly in forrvard passing. could not be equalled anywhere.

Unf6rtunately, we couldn't salvage more than a week's extra'holiday as a result of the floods early in the year, although many girls- spent this'week helping in the massive task of cleaning up. February: This year saw the introduction of Class Seniors and the reintroduction of Inter-Form Competition. For the first time in our history at Grammar. Swimming honours went to a Second Form. Congratulations TIB. March: Activities and General Studies designed to stimulate greater breadth and interests began on a regular Friday afternoon basis. A record number of girls obtained life-saving awards this year and it is encouraging to see so many students realising the importance of this activity. The Inter-school Swimming results pro- vided great satisfaction for Staff and students alike, and, in a thrilling finish, rrye almost over- came the strong opposition from Somerville House. April: In April we welcomed our Japanese exchange student, Yukiko Tsuji, who will stay with families from our Interact CIub. Mid-Semester exams began and the white flag of surrender was unfurled . . . and speaking of white, didn't we hear wedding bells?

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