1974 School Magazine

(1) l2-13 year olds Filipino I, Literature I (2) l3-14 year olds Home Economics, Philip- pine HistorY (3) 14-15 year olds Economics (4) l5-16 year olds Spanish, Phys. Ed. . . . Yesterday we went to a wedding at 9 a.m. Here weddings-really are a big occasion' The bridal party consists of about 15, pliryary sponsors, secondary sponsors, flower girl,s, brides- maids, ring bearers, veil attendants, candle attend- ants and more. The reception was enormous 300 or more! lnstead of giving out cake, there were small baskets, almost entirely of hard icing with green, yellow and white flowers on stems stuck into a cinnamon cake (topped with marsh- mallow). Before the bridal cake was cut (which stood about 5' high with 2' spires of icing on top of that) it rvas stripped of all its:dornment be eager guests (this was planned). Then, after the cake was cut, the bride and groom pulled long white ribbons attached to a large bell on the-ceiling and out flew 2 white doves. It really was beautiful. . . . I flew to Cebu for a District Conference. It is an extremely interesting city. It was where Magellan landed and was killed by the natives. At home we-learned Lapu Lapu was a savage; here he is one of the heroes, in fact the first hero of the Filipinos. It also was the first place of the Philippines to have Filipinos baptized and hence has the oldest and very beautiful churches built during the Spanish period, and also a most glorious Taoist (Chinese) temple. . Last Sunday I drove a carlessa (a horse drawn carriage) around a few blocks in Manila. Honestly I thought the poor thing would die it was so old and boney. . . . On Saturday I went to Batangas with the Acunas. It was really so beautiful the majority of the people live in nipa huts (bamboo and coconr.lt leaves). We went boating in the Mayor's boat. As the children can't swim Nami and I went on the boat to a very old cargo ship (amongst the pigs) and dived off the front - about 15'-20' from the water - I still have a stiff neck. . . . I really loved it at Cannboag (a barrio like a suburb) of the town of Bustos in the province of Bulacan. Life is really primitive out there and everyone knows everyone else and it is so friendly. I have told you that everywhere I go I get stared at because of my fair skin and non-black hair - well you can imagine how it was in this little barrio, I always had- at least 10 children following me and even when I sat down to eat there were faces at the window. . . The ten day cruise around the Southern Islands was fantastic. I have taken many, many pictures, . I start next Semester at Arameta Uni- versity Foundation. My subjects (1) Dance Fundamentals (2) Gymnastics (3) Philippine History (4) Conversational T'agalog for foreigners

(5) Typing (6) Shorthand (7) Adolescent Growth and Psychology

. . . My visit, with the International Club of the Uni oi the Philippines, to the Rice Terraces at Benoue was the -most wonderful and awe insoirins exnerience I have had so far' Because of ihe trirdship in getting there not many Filipinos have seen them. . . . I am getting very involved at the Uni- versity I have" joinid th; UNSAPHII -(United Nations Student Association of the Philippines) and was asked to be Inspirational Speaker at the lnduction Ceremony. I am also a member of the Cultural Minorities Club and am written into their constitution as "the adopted daughter". I also have been asked to be "Muse" for the Educators Faculty for the Intramurals Games - which is "the" sporting event of the Uni year, and am Public Relations Officer of the Agri- Business Faculty. I am in the Educators Basket Ball (not Netbdtl; team - can you imagine a centre player shooting for goalsl I feel enormous on the-court as the Filipinos are so petite. . . I was announced "Miss Intelligent" at the Games and was very proud when I was presented with a beautiful trophy and a sash. On Friday I had to dance Tinkling again (rhe dance with the bamboo poles). This time was for an Education Week programme at Araneta. The guest speaker was a very distin- guished woman from UNESCO and of course Dr. Salcedo (the President of Araneta and Past Chairman of W.H.O.) was there. After the presentation I was very honoured at being invited io take merienda (afternoon tea) with the Presi- dent, Vice President, Deans of all the Faculties and other dignitaries. . . . At the Chinese family I am living with at thc- moment the children study very hard. They start Philipino school at 6.40 a.m., do a fu1l day of Filipino curriculttm then return home and do a full iLn'riculum in Chinese with a special tntoL. e'r,en on Saturday and Sunday - so you see thr'y don't have much spare time. . I hope Janet (Torney) liked the baloot we had for supper after the Rotary meeting - it is delicious - fertilized duck egg cooked just before it is ready to hatch.

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