1974 School Magazine

Glass Blowing (which proved most popular), Leather Work, Raku Firing and China Painting. The proceeds from our various functions have been donated to the Centenary Building Fund. As mentioned in a previous edition of the Magazine, our Association is endeavouring -fo raise as much money as possible to assist the School Centenary Building Fund and one such method is the collection of used stamps. So' please, - do not throw away those used stamps 6ut send them to the school, clearly marked for the Old Girls-' Association, when we will collect them and sell them to the dealers and the funds frorn such sale assist the School. Whilst speaking of Centenary Year, we would like to take this opportunity to comment on the Association's proposed project as our Memento of the occasion. As you know, an Art Competition was held amongst Old Girls and present pupils for a line drawing of the School suitable for reproduction on Note Paper. We received only eight entries and from these two were chosen. Our congratula- tions to the winners - Linden Seale and Leigh Schonheimer - and our thanks to all those who entered. The reason for the choice of two is the fact that one of the drawings was more suitable for reproduction on Chartham Mill quality Note Paper to bc sold in srnall packets, whilst the other was more suitable for printing on a less expensive quality bank paper to be prepared as writing pads. lt is hoped to have this stationery on sale at the School Tuck Shop; it may be purchased there, or enquiries made of any Com- mittee Member, who will have a sample of each in her possession. Our meetings this year have been open to all Old Girls who would like to attend, but very few have availed themselves of this opportunity. So please join us at the School on the second Monday of each month at 7.45 p.m. You would be most welcome. For those who qould like to join but have not yet done so, the Annual Sub- scription is $2.00 due in February, whilst Life Membership is $40.00. The magazine fee is optional and may vary from year to year, but is usually payable by August each year. Badges may be obtained at 75c each. Membership is open to all past pupils who have attended the school for a period of one year, but pupils who have attended for a shorter time may be admitted at the discretion of the Com- mittee. The object of our Association is - "f6 keep a connection between past pupils and the school, and to promote friendship among past pupils" and "to riaintain an interest in the iefare of the School". In conclusion, the Old Girls' Association wishes !o thank Miss Shaw, the Trustees, Mrs. pashen, Mr. Willmott, Members of the Staff, Miss Slater and the Parents and Friends' Association for their invaluable assistance and co-operation during 1974. May we extend to you all our Best Wishes for the Festive Season and for 1975. Pamela Knudsen Hon. Secretary

OI,D GTRLS' ASSOCIATION F{OT'ES Another year has slipped by anC the time has once *'or. "o*" to make 'mention of our activities for 1974. Our first functicin for the year was the Weleorne to New Mernbers held at the Gateway Inn on the llth Februarv. This Welcorne took the torm of a Euffet Dinner which was followed by the Annual General Meeting. The Meeting was attended by 51 Members who were able to extend a warm welcome to some new members, and listed below are the Office Bearers elected tor 1974:- President: Immediate Fast President:

Senior Vice-President: Junior Vice-Fresident: Hon. Secretary: Assist. Secretary: Hon. Treasurer: Assist. Treasurer: Mrs. I-yle Schwarten Mrs. Daphne Fancutt Mrs. Jean Vallis Miss Barbara Lansburv Mrs. Pamela Knudsen Miss Rhonda Pashen Miss Lorraine Chesters Miss Nelma Grout

Committee Members: Mrs. Margaret Mallyon, Misses Jane Milne, Elizabeth Murray, Jasley Schwarten. Gillian Thacker and Wendy Ticehurst. During the yeal we have also enrolled and welcomed rr\ore new members, but we sincerely lr_ope that in 1975, being the School Centenary Year, many more past pupils will join tha Association, and perhaps give some of their valuable time to helping the School. Our Second function was a BARBECUE held in the very pleasant grounds of the Aspley Heights Swimming Pool and Squash Cburts, on the 9th M.ar9h. ln -setting this date we were very opti- mistic of fine weather, feeling it couid ^not possibly rain any more after the experiences of January and February. However, our^ hopes were dashed and rain maired the evening. lVe would like to offer our sincere thanks to all those kind folk who braved the elements so that our efforts would not be altogether in vain. This year the Committee decided that the Association would hold a SUppER DANCE instead of a ball. The Oasis Reception Lounge and 24th May were chosen for this function aid -a ry9st enjoyable . (and successful) evening was hq4 UV the approxim-ately 200 gu€sts. Inter?sting raffles were organised and lucky door prizes were given away. Our third annual ART SHOW was held on 13th, 14th and 15th September. The official Opening was performed by Mr. Blair Edmonds and. was followed by a Wine and Cheese Supper. A record number of paintings was exhibited and a variety of crafts was displayed. Our thanks go to those people who kindiy gave their time to demonstrate Portrait Fainting-, Oil painting

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