1974 School Magazine

I've not been able to get anyone to even touch the stuff. They almost leave the room when I open the bottle. Cindy calls it "vitamin-smelling axle-grease"! . . . Must go now and watch "Ryan's Daughter" on T.V. I think colour T.V. is shoddy, and I'd much rather black and white than the "wrong" colour! Monday and Tuesday were days that I will never forget and are pro- bably some of the many highlights of my year so far. I was a "page" at the National Governor's Conference. I ran messages, etc,, and met a great number of the Governor's aides and other VIFIs on a very informal basis. On the second day I was the Governor of Washington's special mes- senger but the hit of the whole two days was when Senator Teddy Kennedy arrived. I took special messages to - and from him and each time he had a kind, warm, sincere word for me - even though he was by far the most pressured man there. I got myself into rather a ticklish situation on Monday. I had to deliver some im- portant messages and got caught in the absolute stampede of press and T.V. men who were try- ing to get to T. Kennedy. T.V. cameras were everywhere and just as he was about to pass where I was, I found myself sandwiched between two governors - both of whom turned out to be friends of Kennedy's. So he stopped and talked to them, with me in the middle of-it all and T.V. cameras on the lot! On Friday I cooked a typical Aussie dinner - roast and pavlova (which they've never tasted !efore). Now get this - the leg of lamb cost $1411!! It was the second time f'd ever eaten lamb here, and you can see why! In the Summer Holiday, Karen and I are going q1 a 60 day bus trip righi throughout the Sf,atesl The ticket enables us to go anywhere for a,ny Iength of tirne within that- 60 dlays. Our route will be flexible but something like this. Bellevue - Denver (Colorado) - St. Louis (Missouri) - Memphis - Nashville (Tennes- see) - Virginia - Washington D.C. (I left there the. day Richard -Nixon resigned) - pennsyl- y2ni4 - Connecticut - Ne* York - Bost-on - Niagara Falls - Pittsburg - Cleveland - Chicago - North Dakota - Montana - Home. This means that we will have completed a circle covering 27 States and approx. 6-j,000 miles. . Ap you can,see I've been very lucky and am having a wonderful time. Best wishes to all, Heather Torney . . . When we arrived in Manila, I was met on the tarmac by the President of Caloocan Club and other Rotarians and also a girl from the Embassy. So I'm here - home for a year. Outside the airport I was given some Mabuhay (welcome) sampaquita (national flower) leis . . . . . . I have started school at Manila Central U-niversity High School with a very mixed group of subjects. EXTRACTS FROM SUE LONDON'S LETTERS FROM THE PHILIPPINES

-_ Last year's head girls are both on scholarships ovffise&s" A SERIBS OF EXCERPTS FROM HEAT'HER, TOR,NEY'S LETTERS PNONN U.S.A" Dear everyone" -W-ell I"have arrived! I'm living in Beilevue which is a ciry iust outside seaftF (about 100 miles south of tlre Canadian border). tr live in the tr-ake Hills District of Bellevue which is situated across enonnous Lake Washington. When I arrived last Sunday, it was beginning to warm up after a very cold spell in the 20's lut in summer it gets np' to the 70's! Across the Cascade Mts., 1o thd eas! the temps. get over the tr00's but also down to -30's in winter! I'll try to tell you something about what I'rrr loing-educationally, I'm goiig to, Sammarnish Iligh until June rihen f #in fraOuate with the other seniors. I will then be going to Bellevue Community College. I was quite thrilled to know that I would be allowed an honorary diploma 1! graduation; most exchange students aren't allowed because they haven't -filled the require- ments. Graduation is the big thing in any stu- dents life (bigger than Uni. or college). We will have our ceremony at the Seattle Centre Opera I{ouse and about 4OO of us will graduate. t'hen there are big parties,- etc. The parents of the seniors organize an all-night/morning affair and this year we will be going on a ferry down puget Sourid. It should be -treriendous fui . . . . I ;m taking subjects which I've not had a chance to take before. I had hoped to take Russian or Spanish but they couldn't be fitted into my schedule. So I'm tat

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