1974 School Magazine
son (6,4.) (2 prizes), Angela Pugh (64), Barbara !9ge"tt (6.4). Diane Claybourn (64). Michele Lihou and Liane Lockwood (64). Intermediate Section: Libby Pillow (3C) and Fiona Campbell (3C) (2 prizes). Julie Austin (3D) and Elizabeth de Chastel (3C). Junior Section: Jennifer Cross (ZD). (z prizes). A11 entrants from B.G.G.S. gained an award. Q.A.T.r.S. LTTERARY COMPETTTION Section A Short Story (M. A. Macmillan Memorial Prize) Clare Bremner. Section C Poem 2nd Prize Helen Rose. Section C Short Story 2nd Prize Gail Tyson. 3rd Prize Jennifer Cross. PARENTS' & FRIENDS' ASSOCIATION With l9?4 rapidly drawing to a close I am becoming more and more concerned by the fact that the Parents'& Friends' Association must lose the support of Joan Arbuckle, our very capable Treasurer. Surely there is 3 Mother with sufficient book-keeping experience to handle this important position. Elsie Simmonds has been assisting Joan over the past months but unfortunately this is her last year also. At a recent Com- mittee Meeting it was decided that all Tuck Shop ordering and payment of Accounts should be handled throuih Nation- rvide Foods as rhis will eliminate quire an amount of book- work. This method also ensures deliyery of goods more fre- quently rnd rhe possibility of smaller orders, if necessary. _ Gay McKay is admirably filling the position of Tuck Shop Convenor but it is most important that we find an understudy for- ,her in the very near future. This position may be held by a Mother with young children as rll oldering is Cxecuted from the Tuck Shop Convenor's home. Please cbnsider these two politions, ladies, as we are really desperate. Both our General Meetings this year were well altended and our Associarion is most grateful ro Miss Shaw and the Staff for making themselyes available on rhese nights. Our June Luncheon was a financial success -despite the fact rhat numbers were fewer owing to r.flu epidemic'. (Net profit $113.?4). Those who artended were enchinted by the guest speaker. Mrs. Jill Morris. and ngreed thal it was- a most en- joyable function. Appfoximately I l0 atrended a Dinner Dance ar the Fielding,s residence on the 28rh September and Dr. George and Barbala are to be congntulated on the way in which they coped with rll the arrangements. We are gratcful also for the issistance rcquired through the efforts of Mr. and Mrs. Dore. At our last Commirtee Meeting ir wxs decided that, as Miss Shaw phns to leave on a most deserved overseas h6lidav on lhe lSlh November. ue rvould combine our Manneouin pirade rnd Christmas Function on:4th Oclober. It will ta(e rhe form of a Morning Tea insread of the usual Luncheon. As five of Brisban-e's top models will parade on rhis day I do hope thar many'Mums'and their friends will rake rhis -opportuniry to see Ihe latesr in fashion rncl say farewell ro Miss Shaw at the same time. Owing ro rhe effons of Tuck Shop Mothers. proceeds of f.unctions. Thearrc Prrry profirs thard off to Stiirtev Fair. School Dey ufrernoon rer profits. etc.. our Association'is in'i sound tinrncirl posirion. This year we have installed Metal btrnos to the yerandth area of the Tuck Shop at the cost of $1.5^30 and donrred $3,000 lo rhe Cenrenary Bulldine Fund ancl irt yth September our sltrplus was g_1.999.19. . The- -3lsr Mav, next yeui is a date ro remember. B.G.G.S. rs. holdinF.jls Cenlenf,rv Celebration on lhis niFhl and il will take the form of a Dinner Dance. We are hopins for a; attendance of ar least 500 so please donl sci you- trave a prevlous engagement, On the 3rd Mondry of each month pareDts, & Friends' rneetings are held in the Bccrders,sitting room. May I remind Mothers that these meetings trc open ro alt parinis and nor rust members ot lhe C'ommittee. Miss Shrw brines us up to date on school mxlrers. We slflrr rr 9.45 ".-,. *iin i- cuir of lea or coffee. My thanks go ro my Executive, our Headmistress Miss Shaw, Mr. Willmotr, Mrs. Pashen. Miss Slarer and members of Staff f9r lheg co-operarion at all rimes. Lasr. bur noi liiit.' nav f thank Tom Nnd his assislanls*rnd lvy for all the inoies tfrey hlve manreed for rhe'! & F'. Their assistance nai CiseO rtri: burden tor our Social Secretary, Mrs. Doreen Stephensen. on many occasions. Denise Pitkeathlv
-"-Is hg_all rigtrt?" Her hands were suddenly cold on his arm. Now it's me who's the brown angle and the hero, and Nikolai thought and grinned and dived from the sandstone wall. Her eyes before him, not slapping waves - powerful strokes because she was watching and he'd always been a better swimmer than Alex. Drowning Alex. Urgent brown Alex, with arms round his neck. Kick, breathe, under, kick, breathe - fuzzy, distant, sandstone wall, clothed Poul running -. No face now, just water. Hitting him, leaking in between his lips, into his nose, swallowing him. A part of all the oceans in the world? Strugg- ling in the waves of China, of Chile, of Italy - of his own Balkan bay? Beneath the battling waves it was clear and green and sparkling, light-lit and silent and sinking into grey. Then rising and striking upwards to the silver sky, weak brown arms loose around him, lace on the curling water. Solid ground. Katja shaking. How hii blood warmed already! Then AIex, choking and sobbing on the steps. He and Alex - She stepped back, uncertain; Poul behind her. Alex's rough cheek, hot tears. Cold lips. And out of the sun and the sky and the plaster clouds Ilyavich returned, white and light and promise. Skimmed in the blue with frothy train, then rose and looped, rose and headed foi home. aRT PKrzEs clare M' Bremner We congratulate the following girls from B.G.G.S. who have won outside awards this year: Mary Williarns - Queensland Youth Art Prize; Portrait Section, 15-17 years; Sculpture Section; Pottery; Best Painting; Best Sculpture; Esso-Warana Painting Competition, Senior Section. Catherine Williams - Queensland Youth Art Prize; Sculpture Section, 11-13 years; Most Creative Pottery. Cla,re Bremney -' "gslday Mail" Painting Competition, Portrait Section. GEOqRAPIIY TEACHERS CONTEST Junior: Robin Bryant, III C, Comalco Frize. Margaret Matthews, III B, Barkers' Book Prize. Grade 8: Janette Kelly and Gale Tyson, II C, Jacaranda Press Prize. GOETHE PRilZES 1.974 Grade 8: 3qd Prize, Kay Nicol. Grade 8: Homourable,Menfion; Diane I{orsey. Grade 9: ftromourable Menfion, Helen Harper, Grade 10: 2nd Frize, Daniela Gerber. Grade 11: Honourable Plemfiom, Kristina Zie$er. Grade 72: Znd Frizq Linda Wilson. Hoqrourahle' Memrfio,nr, Avryl Farragher.
GIRLS AWARDED PR.OJECT CONTEST ST'AQ i974. Senior Section: Jillian
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