1972 School Magazine

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Ortlruttro .-Notuu This year's School Orchestra has certainly en-jgy9d a vaiety of performances. With the help of Miss M.rttu Gilli.s'and several guest artists, we held a suciessful and enjoyable Musical Evening on March 23rd. Our next ippearance, at the School Concert, also met with comhendation. With Miss Cormack's encourasement and supervision, we were able to enter three I"nstrumental Ensernbles in the Brisbane Eisteddfod. To our delight, the ensemble consisting of Nicoia Chenowyth (flute) Michelle Lihou.(cello)' bo.rnu Perrin (guiiar) ind Meredith Baxter (piano), olavine the Flaldn z'Serenade", was awarded lust iia'.e. "lespite well-attended practices prior to School 'Ouy, ^ disippointingly small group of girls arrived to take part ln ttre afternoon's concert progamme; howeier, we accepted the challengg u.nd played composiiions of varying styles with enthusiasm' With the Interhouse Ensemble Competition drawing closer, we are expecting renewed inte-rest in instruniental piaying, and we welcome any girls with a real intereit in music to join us regularly at practices. We are extremely grateful to Miss-Cormack ior her inspiration and dedication as she shares her musical talent with us.

"Te Deum" by Purcell and '"The Revenge" by Stanford were performed on 2nd June in the Great HaU, B.G.S. After a first hearing the Ashgrove Methodist Church heartened (or rather, crazed) by Dr. l.ovelock's encouraging review, Mr. Montague decided to "plunge in at-the deep end", draggilLthe stunned choir with him into Handel's "Messiah" Part I , alias "superstar, l7 42 style" , set for 20th and 21 st October. Mi. Montague admitted that much practice would be required, if we were to bluff our way through this ^ with our usual "savoir faire", and arrang-ed a weekend camp at Cunningham's Ga^p for some* solid throat exeicise. The results of the performances, however, are usually in direct pro- portion to the hilarity of the practices, and they have certainly been hilarious! We entered two sections of the Ashgrove Methodist Church Eisteddfod again this year and achieved a frst and a second place. Other performances for this year' have included the Australian College of Education Service (14th May), B.G.S. Open Day, Warana Concert in the Botanical Gardens -and a concert in All Saints Church (4th October). Now all are looking forward to the evening of carols at St. John's Cathedral and a mysterious adventure, singing carols on Christmas Eve, about which Mr. Montague has only made a few ominous mutterings (doubtless because it entails more hard (??) work). But whatever schemes that ambitious choir master has in store for his brood, I feel sure that the Grammar Singers will continue to greet all his ideas with their usual sense of fun (Heaven knows they'll need it!) and enthusiasm for musical co-education.

H. Gehrmann.



l'\ !rarmrmay Jingeys

In June this year the Grammar Singers celebrated their second anniversary, even though some of them failed to realize the significance of this occasion. In two years, the choir had presented six major works, each progressively more difficult and more enthusiastically attacked.

I-ynn Robinson,68

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