1972 School Magazine
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-ftt^J,igo[ Cf,';, -Nrk, The past year for the Madrigal Choir has been a very b-usy and rewarding on9. We began by preparing several songs to be presented at the S6hoofConcert in June. We were delighted when the adiudicator for the competition, Mrs. Madge Chamberlin of Toowoomba complimented us on our performance. For the remainder of second term we learnt some additional songs while still maintaining the standard of the others. We had the opportunity of singing at a Charity Concert at Cavendish Road Staie lligh School. The audience seemed to appreciate our coritribution to the programme, and-it was our privilege to listen to a.number of talented artists. At School Day we rendered some folk songs and madrigals and three of our girls, Jane Elliott, Kirsty Greenfield and Kathy Pollard sang a trio. Jane also sang a solo. At the moment we are practising for Speech Night and next year we have been invited to sing at the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the English Association. Our very sincere thanks go to our conductress, Miss Frederick. Such artistry as we have achieved is due entirely to her inspiration and musicianship and sheer hard work. Thanks also to our accomplished pianist, Catherine Milliken, and Kirsty Greenfield and Elizabeth Gehrmann who assisted her. We are very qgteft! to Miss Shaw also for her enthusiastic support throughout the year. From the Sixths who are leaving, we would like to express our thanks for the valuable experience and satisfaction we have gained from a very enjoyable and worthwhile activity. Miriam Herbert, MA
InterSchool Christian Fellowship has had many new activities this year. On one occasion Rev. Geoff Paxton, Principal of the Queensland Bible Institute spoke about St. John's Gospel to a large group of girls. For the first time we joined with Boys's Grammar I.S.C.F. for combined meetings on several Friday afternoons. The most enjoyable activities of the year were the three weekend Camps held at Mt. Tamborine, one in each term. For these we combined with I.S.C.F. from the Boys' Grammar School, Clayfield College and Sommerville House, to have most profitable and enjoyable gatherings. Our grateful thanks go to Miss Blake, who helped and advised us in the first two terms of this year, and also to Mrs. Edwards who has taken over the supervision of our activities from Miss Blake. We also thank Miss Shaw for her support and co-operation throughout the year. Our best wishes go with all those who leave us this year, and we extend a warm welcome to those remaining to join us next year in all our meetings and activities.
Roslyn Staines (Leader)
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