1970 School Magazine

JL*J,is^[ C|oir flrtes The Madrigal Choir has had a very success- ful year. \We have participated in several school functions and have enjoyed both the preparation and the performance. At the Interhouse Singing Competition we sang "Silver Swan" by Orlanclo Gibbons and "Flora Gave Me Fairest Flowers" bv John \Millrye for the Flouse Choirs and the adjudicator, Mr. Spearritt, who expressed pleasure in our work, At School Day we sang "Passing By" bv Purcell, "Tiger Song" by \Wastenholm and. an Australian song, "Counffy Places" by Margaret Sutherland. For Speech Night, we are preparing the two madrigals "silver Swan" and "Flora Gave Me Fairest FlowerS", a Czech carol "Carol of the Drum" and "Orchestra Song" - a traditional Austrian song arcanged bv \Tilliam Schuman. \Me were flattered to learn that Mr. Boughen wished to tape us later this ye^r. \X/e wish to thank our pianists, Toni Gustavson and Catherine Millihan and our conductress, Miss Frederick for all her wonderful help and hard work R'c' 5.5.C.7. J['tes \We thank the people who helped the fnter- school Christian Fellowship group run success- fully during the year, Our greatest thanks go tc

Mrs. McDonald who allowed us to hold our meetings every Monday lunch hour and Miss Jenny Cash who kindly came up from the University for our meetings. Our committee for this year consisted of : Leader, Yvonne Morton (VA ); Publicity Officer, Miriam Herbert ( IVD ) ; Treasurer, Robyn Chenowerth ( IVC ); Scipture Union Officer, Jennifer Jones ; and Librar ran, Lorraine Fisher ( VtA ). The form representatives u/ere Barbaru Bingeman (VIB ), Susan Knott (V ), Michelle Jones ( IV ), Roslyn Staines ( III ) and Ann Herbert ( II ). With an attendance ranging from twelve to seventy, we have had some irrteresting discussions on such topics as "'Ihe Church Today" and "science and the Bible." At the beginning of the year our group showed the film, "Tortured for Chrirt" by Richard \Turmbrandt who has recently been in Australia after being released from torture in a Communist camp. Several interschool social evenings have been held during the year and interschool I.S.C.F. camps have been held during the holidays. These camps are for anyone who enjoys plenty of fun and some good advice. \,ilZe extend an invitation to all those interested in our group, to join with us every Monday lunch hour for some good fun and fellow- ship next yeat ' - y. M. (Leader) I.S.C.F.


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