1970 School Magazine

Orctrestra J[rtes This year a neu/ interest has been shown in the orches tra by the Second-Formers, to the extent that ^ Second-Form orchesra has been formed. \7e hope that next year's Second Formers will show the same amount of interest. \7e have throughout the year given several lunch-hour concerts. Some of these helped raise money for the Freedom from Hunger Campaign. \7e would also like to thank our guest artists who performed at one of these concerts. Early in July we played the "Anna Magdeline Suite" and joined with the Boys Grammar Orchestra in playing a collection of "Eight Assemblv Pieces" at a combined musical concert. On School Day the junior members of the Orchestra presented a Suite bV Diabelli and '\r/e have now begun practising for our Speech Night performance. \We would like to thank Miss Cormack for all of the work she has put into the Orchesma during the yeat' - B.T. (uc)

nrcrvr'tor '7O The Drama Club always gets off to a good start with many neur girls joining. fnterest u/anes fast and only the dedicated remain. I was very proud of our first term effort : Two lunch hour plays which made $20.00 for "The Freedom from Hunger Campaign". In second term, time 'v/as gobbled up rehearsing our entry, "Hearts and Flowers", for the Jean Trundle Competition. This great effort was compensated by the en- lightening experience we aIl gained. PIay night this ye^t was very disappointing. The plays were very enjoyable but the hall was half empty. \7e can only hope this is not a growing trend. I would like to thank Penelope Price and Lawrence Pamtz for their invaluable back stage work. Reliable stage workers seem to be a dying race. Finally I would like to thank Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Kings and Mrs. Knight for all their help, and wish next years members success and enjoyment in Dtama' -suzETTE coATES, 6D


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