1970 School Magazine
j** Vl C"wyrcil The School council has worked hard this veffi in all secrions of school life. A co"n.iii;; yas. assigned to each form an iJea *ut was instituted 1?r! year. It proved an .*..iiu. ia;; and the opinions and ideas ;; .*pr.rr.J'ut the council Meetings v/ere those of- irr."r.hool. At the Forms' request, the council held a dance for the Fourth'urrd' eirlrr- F";;r, uft., school Duy. rr u/as very r.r...rrl rl-;J'.i";"vl.i bv all. The councillors have amended several rules this yfar, the mosr strikins GinI-it ri';ir;' wear- ilg of gloves is optional *ith sumrner uniform. Another innovation u/as the suggestion ;i ;; Interhouse Drama Festival which;ii b.gi" this yeat. The aims of the Form'vl council stand as : ( i ) To promote a sense of honour in the school whereby.Tovalty to that which is ttglr,, ;;; self discipline are encouraged. - ( iv ) To seek- interqretation and, where necess- aty, revision of the school rules. ( v ) To promote and to suggest u/ays and rneans of promoting the e.iErut *.tiu*-;f ;h; school E"crn/or{ Jl"ynorio[ {ilrqrtl The Library-has had another successful year. The Drama, ciub senero*ir e";;;"^;- irrg. nurnber of books on speech' ui|;;;u*ro v/e shall now have a very .o*pr.hlnrirr. section on these subjects. r r our scho.ol Duy theme this yeff was ,,old and New" : library representatives were dressed in uniform.s of previous generations and *. h;i a,cornpetition for the uniform of the future. o.ri old and new paper-back ttnil aa , b-i;k trade. Thp ye3r's e*C.rriion for library assistants was to "Churchie's" magnificent new. library. I would like to thank the Bookbinders headed by Jlsley Schwarten for a yr^r;i ;ilerful hard work. I would also like to thank the reliable library assistants, without *horn trr. li^br*y would not function so efficiendt - PENELOPE PRICE, Secretary SCHOOL COUNCIL Page Twelve
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