1969 School Magazine

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lulie Dickinson; Julie was consistent and reliable both in pitching and batting. I udith W ard ; Judith was a connolled and capable catcher. Susan Byth; Susan's usual speed prevented many batters from reaching first base safely. Mary Martin; \When Mary's concentration was focused on the game, she proved to be an adapt player. Pauline Haruey : Pauline's knowledge of the game, and her ability, were great assets to the team. Heather Andrew : Nervousness and anxiety de- tracted from Heather's abilities on the field. Remember: the game is played for our enjoy- ment. Pheona Hegarty : Enthusiasm and quick responses were Pheona's chief qualities. lane Robertson; Several good hits, when urgent- ly required, were scored by Jane. Megan V enton; Me gan has proved herself a most efficient and enthusiastic Captain throughout the season, both on and off the field.

Softball season L969 was a most enjoyable one for everyone concerned-and not only because we had alien umpires! Our ((8" team won the pennant, and, because of one tied match, the c(A" team was runner-up in the premiership. Enthusiasm set the season off well, for many more people attended the trials _ this yeat. Our wholeieaited thanks to Mrs. Salzman for select- ing our teams, and being such a cheerful and com- petent coach throughout the term. Jane Allen is to - be ,.co.ngratulated for her vigilant coaching, of, the ((8" team, under the lei'derrhip of Elizabeth Davidson who, with numerous home-runs, brought her team to victofy. Kristin Beveridge, a reserve, starred in the match against Ipswich Girls' Grammar School, when she stood in-during the final innings, and scored two beautiful catches consecutively in centre outfield. Deserv ing a mention also is Pheona Hegarty, who, in her first year with us, appeared in the ((A" team. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, for your generous. interest and heln, thank - you t1l the encouragmg spectators, and my thanks to all our softballers.

"EI" GR.ADE SOF'TtsAN,L TEAM (Ldt to Rlght): Maureen Gray, Anna Beverldge, Ellzabeth Davldson, Wendy Parklnson, Susan Rutter, Karen Byth, Pamela Purvls, Jane Allen, Ifeather BeIl.

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