1969 School Magazine

Corner", led bv an energetic and- vgry cg'r-lulent Barbara Nosworthy ih. lovable bear hirnself, and rollicked their way through a scipt lhey .o*p.tently dramatized themselves. An enthus- iastil cast bf second form members must also be ***.nded for a sparkling rendition of l'thg itying scene" frorn "Peter Pan' a scene which r.q,tlr.d some gymnastic training. On{ know- ledge of this specialized field of pantolnime was e"iEnded when- Miss Gloria Birdwood-Smith, the Jirector of the Brisbane Children and Youth Theare, addressed one of ouf meetings during second term. This year, I have been vefy interested and gratified t; see that 4any of our members afe ltr".lri"S out into othei areas of the- spol

S.d**d edods' *,Mses This year the School Choir, -although rather small in n,rmbers, has ably played its part in the activities of the school' At the beginning of the yeaf we urere p]eased to *.i.ome many new members from second form ;;i ttop. rhey will continue to show the same ""ifr"riasm in their remaining time at Grammar as they have shown this Year' Our first performance for the year was at the ,.-hL1-iott..tt in June when we sang "Little il& -Bi,r." by Michael Diack, "serenade" from ;Ciurq" ita" - by Frunz Lehan and Rimsky- Ko,,;tof'r ,'Hindoo Song". On School Day 'we -ii^ii took our part,_ this time performing tYo lGil;t numb.ttl *Robin Hood's Song" bv ffiA; Baynon, 'and "singing in the Rain" bv Nacio Herb Brown. As is always the case, we wish to thank Miss gd-onds most sincerely for all the guidance rh. has given to us, and also our pianist, Jeanette Ho**utt, for her help througtTi"s$ot?Tr""* Sr @Eryesrdc ed*d -rures The first production of the L969 Dramatic club uras "The Rehearsal" ^ parody on "Macbeth", which 'was enacted in the true Shakesp.ut.utt style and spirit, at - the 1968 third tlrm recital. Ontttanding personalities were ;h; - debonair "S(/i11" Shakespiare, porlayed bv Kave Grayson; the blustering Bulblge of Ur ryaiet ltiort"; and the-fickle Lady Macbeth, played -bV Nicola Fulton-KennedY, who accom- btirfr.a some difficult voice changes very success- iully. All in all., I 'u/as very pleased to see how the girls easily adapted their voices and techniques to a more demanding script. Because the school concert and the com- bined school's production of "The School for Scandal" fell during an already crowded second term schedule, "P1ay Night", featuring pl4vs under the diiection of Mrs. Bailey and bv members of our club, had to be cancelled this year. This was a great disappointment, as this performance is the only opportunity for Dramatic Ct"U members to ""p.iiince tFre inexplicable excitement of seeing the curtain slowly rise or the satisfaction of going forward to acknowledge the applause, over the foot-lights. Sfe were, however, able to turn a disadvan- tage in to an advant age and devoted this time profitablv to improve the mechanics of drama voice production, facial expression and mime. From the first term's weekly programrnes, we selected our best items of mime and pantomime to entertain the school one lunch-hour. The fifth formers formed a merry band from "Pooh

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