1969 School Magazine

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This year has been a busy one for the Madrigal Choir beginning with preparations for the Concert. At the concert '\r/e sang a madrigal, "April is in my Mistress' Face" by Thomas Morley and "Pass- ing By" by Purcell arranged bv Christine Stirling for three voices. We then combined our singing and acting talents in a satirical presentation of "The Ascot Gavotte" from "My Fair Lady" by Fferner and Hoewe. This consisted of tying to capture the feeling of the day, our faces remaining completely expressionless as fortunes 'were being lost or gained. Various girls possessed opera glasses or lorgnettes which they used to great effect. After the song was sung six girls in semi- costume promenaded in the affected fashion of the times; Allison Rowlands, Peta Slaughter and Alison Specht taking the part of the ladies with Celia Fearnley, Heather Page and Rhonda Pashen taking the part of the gentlemen. Miss Fredeticlr devised the most amusing bustle-train creations for the ladies which were worn with hats, umbrellas and our white dresses. The -gentlemen wore top hats and canied walking sticks. This segment proved to be most popular and although it 'was extrernely demanding we all thought it u/as worth the trouble. We had the honour of singing in St. John's Cathedral filling the role of choirboys at Miss Mac-

Millan's memorial service. \X/e sang Thomas Carn- pain's "Never \Weather Beaten Sail" and "Seek the Lord" (unaccompanied ). This was a most memorable experience for us all singing in such an inspiring setting. Our next performance was at School Day, singing as a whole choir some lighter numbers suitable to the occasior, "Copenhagen" by Loesser, "I Feel Pretty" from "Sflest Side Story" by Leonard Bernstein and repeating "April is in rny Mistress' Face". Then a group of ten older girls sang the madrigals "Tho' Philomela Lost her Love" by Thomas Morley and "The Falconer's Song" bv Bennet. \ile are now preparing same songs for Speech Night including an unusual one "Duetto buffo di du Gatti" by Rossini, a delightful rendition of which sung bv Elizabeth Schwartzkopf and Victoria de los Angeles has been recorded. The choir has novr a heritage and tradition which we, as sixth formers, members for all our school life, feel we are passing on to those following. The works we attempt are of beauty and, although most demanding, they are reurarding. Many thanks for our achievements must go to Miss Frederick who has been tireless in her work for us, helping us to reach het very high standards. - ALISON SPECHT, (VrB)

M.ADRIGAL CHOIR. tsack R.ow (Left to Rtght) : Miriam EXerbert, Dlana Marshall, Ceclly Greaves, ranette Haves''Ilran oDavrR, H'S#" "?iSrtinhlt"*"3#"#"HitilPt?" tHuRf*T' Ilfilddle Row (Left to Right) : Robin" Cook, Judlth Stlller, Ce ta Fearnley, Nllson Fashen, f{elen Sandercoe, Eever{gv_ _Tunter,_ Yvonne Morqlor! Rhy_t_ Steele, L;mn Greenfield, Jennifer Andrews, Barbara White. Seated (kft to Rlght): Margllgt- -Phllltps, _ Pe_!a- Slaggtter,_ Allson McKende, PrudFnc€ Verney, Jen Ttbbtts, Eltzabeth Mcvle, Roslyn Stalnes, Absent: Helel Marshall, fennlfer Beuney, Ileather Page, Jennlfer Watts, Sharou Boughen. Pamela Vandehoef, Janet Stern, L5mn Rowlands, Rnonda Fltkeathly, Klrsty


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