1969 School Magazine
#"cdssssc This year has been_ especially rewardilq foT *.*U"ru oi the School Orchestra. At the School eo"..tt in June, we prglentgd gulte - a varied ptogfamrne with 'Barcarolle" _bV Offenbach, thg tffi.h-fro* the overture to Handel's "occasional iiturot ia" , and the light-hearted "Cachucha" from ,Til Gondoliers" by Gilbert and sullivan. A r*utt ensemble played a period piece- by the Italian .o*oor"t vivaldi-('La Tempesta di Mare", _con- IJi; tot flute and strings. Christine Broughton v/as the soloist, and Jeanette Howman accom- nrrri.J on the ' cemb al9, a .beautiful sixteenth i""r"ry instrument whic}r we had the privilege of using for the item. Later in second Term, members of the Orches6a presented a lunch-hour concert which i;;ilJ.d Oi.ttesffal suites by Roman and Tomlins' tft. girtr in the Recorder group showed their
-,Mfes ability in the "Anna Magdalene Suite" bv Bach, and severeal girls presented the first movement of a Mozart sonata for piano and strings. The Soloist was Jeanette Howman, and string players were Diana Marshall, Janet Robson, Helen Marshall, Alison Don and Beverley Turner, while Alison Specht provided a firm bass on the recorder. School Day provided another opportunity for the Orchestra to perform. Music by Mendelssoht, Arthur Sullivan ( of Gilbert and Sullivan fame), and the seventeenth and eighteenth century com- posers Lully and Orne, displayed variety to suit alL tastes. As practice for Speech Night continues and the end bf a successfui year in music draws to ^ close, we would like to extend ogr special thanks to Miss McCormack who has directed and en- couraged us throughout the year.
SCHOOL ORCHESTRA Back Row (Left to Rlght) : Ama Torembeek, Jano Nayler, Susan Parnell, fudth Mackay' lllkon Rowlands, Lytme Roblnson, Melanle Thtele,AlChrtsttne Helen Gehrmann, lennlfer Rabbilt, Thlrd Row (Left to Rlght): Jualith Straln, Janet Dyne, fayne Mackay, Jay Sllver, Jane Cowllshaw, Chrlstlne Broughton, Jilllan Davles, Judlth Hughes, Judtth Ayre, Barbar:a Whlte, Allson Specht. Seated (Left to Rtght) : Jan Harison, Padcla Webber, Juet Robson, Jeanette Howman, Dlana Marshall, Janlne Lonergan, Nlyson Crawford, Beverely Tunrcr' Frcnt (t€ft to Rtght) : Kaye Nlcholson, Roslyn Watt, Trlna Swaney, Barbara Stuart, BroNyn KlrkFrd, Sandra Pollock. Absent 3 Helen Marshall, Jennlfer Watts' Sharou Boughen'
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