1969 School Magazine

S*d*rssagr ed-d -ry-#es

representative in the for Australia' com-

Susan Byth was our "Jaycees" 'Youth SPeaks petition.

Lg6g has been a successful and enjoy-able -ttt. Oebating Club both in Inter-school Our first inter-school function was a very evening debating- against Gregory Ter- Both debaies resulted in wins for Grammar. Til Apex debates followed closely after this. The t.u* of Ann Moores, Susan Allen and Susan Btrh were narfowly defeated bV tY9 points in th" r..ond round by Toowong State Hieh School' We entered two teams in the- qD.U. gomPetition thir yeaf. The ((8" team of Gayle Smith, .Peta firlettt.t uri Nicola Fulton-Kennery di4. ysll and *"""three of their five debates. The ((4" team *lri.l, at first comprised Maryarer Hoare, christine P,*al and Cecily Greav.t, -ith Susan Byth and 4"" Moore, coming in laier, debated vefY r,vell to remuir "rdefeatel it its round and be defeated bV one poittt bV All Hallow's Convent in the r.ti-ii;rir.-- T# Jaycee's Debating tgaq of Dinah p.ioii.V, C".ilV -dt"urt.t and S-usan -Byth-reached ;f;;"A to,ttta but were defeated bv Brisbane Grammar School. year i;; ind Inter-house sPheres. "rrioyubi. ;;":

\ilithin the school the Inter-house competi- tion is proving very interesting especially in the Senior section* wheie competition is verv fierce. E,arly in the yeat v/e were vqy fortunate to have Mr. N. McAdam from the Queenql4nd De- 6rii"g U"io" give us two talks. Mr. McAdam has t"p, ",rp his interest in debating at -Grammar utl ttrtough the year and has been of immense assistance to al| teams. Our very grateful thanks must go to him. I would also like to thank Mrs. Blumson, Mrs. eJ"* and Miss Trotter and the Presid.gt, Aliron Specht for their smooth running - 9f the ;t"b u"d most appreciated support on debating nights. Alison and I wish all future Grammar teams the best of luck next Year. - ANN MOORES, Secretary

DEBATING TEAMS Back Row (Left to Right) : Nicola Fulton' Kennedy, Feta Slaughter, Gayle Smith' Mtddte Row (Left to Right): toIargaret floare, Cecily Greaves, Christine Parnell' Front Row (Left to Right) : Susan Nlen, Susan BYth, Ann Moores.

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