December 1921 School Magazine


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Dec., 1921.


her team. It is largely owing to her fine play, her energy and skilful leadership that the B.G.G.S. has this year established a re- cord at tennis by not losing one inter-school match. The Tennis Blue was won by Nesta Hebdes. B. 8. BASKBT BALL NOT(S. When we began baeket ball this year, our prospects of success did not seem very bright, as there were only three old members from last year's team; but owing to earnest prac- tice on the part of every one, there was a great improvement in a short time, and after our first match we felt ourselves strong enough tc meet our opponents. Progress continued and 'we succeeded in winning the pennant after a hard season, during which we lost two matches, one at St. Margaret's and the other at Ipswich. The return match against St. Margaret's was the last of the year, and our winning the pennant depended on our success in that match, so we all worked hard, and won it after a very trying game. In the retur, match against the High School we play A with an emergency, but she was quite capable of filling the vacant place, and we came through. Ethel Cook entered the team after the first half and she has done good work as back wing. The B team has generally kept up practice. but some days there were more abeetees than there should be. The B team, of course, gains very little of the honours due to suc- cess, ibut they should remember that A team eannot improve unless vigorously supported by B team. -A C team was formed at Midwtnter, which will be a grSt help to us next year in form- lan the new team, as most of the old mem- bers are leaving at the end of this year. However, with steady practice, the new team soEld be quite eapable of putting up a good fght for the pesant, and we wish them ll the luck that we bad.

The Inter-form conteet for the Shield was won by Sixth orm. The two Blues annually awarded have been gained by Ettle Engeler and Olga Lander. I. I.

"A" 3ABKKICT BALL TAM. STANDING: E. Cook, 8. Horssan, M. Irving, T. Nagel. SITTING: 0. Launder, I. Irvile, 3. Ibgets'.

Gymastics are as popular as er, and It is a woeder that the rags do aot go (a strike oonslderlng the work they do, as the yonger ones seem to think that exerolse is good for them at all times. This quarter all the P1erm have bee prac- tis ag vety energetically to wn the tteor- Form eoaiMMtlon, but Pifth so ar save bees

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