December 1921 School Magazine
Dec., 1921.
TENNIS NOTES. This year we have been very successful in the tennis world. We managed to win all the Inter-School maitiches, thereby gadining the Pennant. B team Inter-School matchee were also played for the first time this year, and our team won every match. At the beginning of the year, before we started the Inter-School matches, an Old Girls' A and B team played the School A and B teams. The Old Girls had a very strong A team, consisting of Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Roe, Mrs. Clark, and Miss Coghlan. It was splendid practice for us, and we are very proud of the fact that we won two sets from them. Our I team was very successful, and beat the Old Girls' Team after a very close match. The Inter-Form matches for Miss Wilkin- son's Challenge Cup have not yet finished, but the Final between VI. anwl IV. B is to be played after the examinations, when we shall also play the finals of the School Tournament. Among the I'pper Forms the tennis is very good, but the Lower School could show more interest. The entries for the Tournament were not nearly so numerous as they should have been. It must be remembered that next year there will be vacancies in the A team to be filled up. and the new 1922 Four will have to practise very hard if they are to win the Pennant again. c'ritkcimn of Team. E. l)oak.--Has Improved and now plays more with her head. N. Hlebden. Has Improved all round, es- petially in her net play. E. Walsh. Plays a good game when in practice, but needs to be quicker and more careful. N. ('ampbell. A. Springborg, O. Saunder, K. Coleman, E. Henley, and M. Pratten 'le- serve mention as promlbing players. M. H. Very regretfully do we s.iy good-bye to Margaret Haymen, who has been a member of the A tennis team for four years, and cap- tain for the last two. As captain she has proved herself most capable and efficient, and has always secured the loyal co-operation of
The form which wins the race has the honour of leaving the cup behind in their classroom to rouse their successors to still greater efforts in swimming. Although we were very unfortunate in los- ing the Brockway Cup this year, our duty lies in striving to produce a team which it will be hard to defeat. The Blue for Isabel Bond. swimming was awarded to
"A" TKENNI TEAM, 1911. STANDING: N. Hebden, E. Walsh. E. Doak. SITTING: M. Haymen (Captain).
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