2022 School Magazine


E very Friday lunch, GECO meet up to discuss current environmental events happening worldwide. This year, we supported the Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS), and alongside our coordinators, Mrs Woodford and Ms Simic, in addition to raising money for charity, we also raised awareness in the School about important conservational issues. In order to celebrate National Tree Day in Term 3, a few members were invited to plant native plants at Gundoo Memorial Grove at Victoria Park. In the School this year, Tuckshop replaced the one-use plastic utensils with wooden, biodegradable cutlery, which we hope everyone noticed. BGGS has also maintained the use of recycling bins, and the containers for change collection. In Term 2, we held a bake stall for World Ocean Day, in which we raised more than $200! Everyone in GECO got involved, whether baking turtle cupcakes or selling jell-o cups. We also got a wonderful visit from a few Brisbane City Council organisers from the Lord Mayor's Youth Environmental Leadership Network program to come talk with the club. This year, even with Open Day cancelled, was a massive success. Cara Battaglia (11H) and Evangeline Stutz (11L)

GRAMMAR GOES GREEN G rammar Goes Green is an event held three times per year. It’s a fun time for students to connect with others and to learn more about our environment. Even though our Rangakarra event was cancelled due to flooding, the School was still able to hold events at the Spring Hill campus and another at our Outdoor Education Centre, Marrapatta. During the Spring Hill GGG, we mulched trees around Victoria Park to support our community and we also planted many succulents, which were later sold to raise money for our chosen GECO charity. At the Marrapatta GGG, we planted trees at Bella Junction and also supported the trees that were planted last year. After a day of hard work, we received some of the famous Marrapatta muffins to eat! Penny Bale (8O), Elizabeth Burke (8O) and Anna Hodge (8L)


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