2022 School Magazine


S tudy Buddies is one of the many Service programs that runs at Brisbane Girls Grammar School. It involves Year 11 students volunteering to become study buddies with Year 7 and 8 students. Older students assist their buddy in study skills and in developing good study habits, such as organisation, time management, and prioritising. Girls often find they form close connections with their buddies, and even help them outside of designated meeting times. As a valued component of Service within the School, all the older girls who participate display a passion for helping their fellow Grammar sisters. The Study Buddy program has been hugely successful in the past, and many students have benefitted from the wisdom of older students’ experiences at School. This year we received an overwhelming response of enthusiasm towards the program, with more than100 study buddy pairs meeting weekly. Lillian Blanshard (11H) and Hema Gobindnarain (11E) STUDENT LEADERS


T he BGGS Second Chance Committee is dedicated to spreading awareness of the realities of homelessness, which is prevalent in our community, with a focus on the specific issues facing women and children. Through the collection of goods and raising the necessary funds to support locally run programs, the committee strives to actively help women and children at risk of, or currently experiencing, homelessness in Brisbane. Although the cancellation of the Valentine’s Day Bake stall, International Women’s Day Sausage Sizzle stall and Open Day Stall due to COVID was a disappointment to the group, we have worked with great enthusiasm and passion to ensure that the Blue Day bake stall, Toiletry Drive, Hot Chocolate Stall, Homelessness Awareness Week, and Christmas Giving Tree all ran as smoothly as possible.


Over the course of the year, the committee has raised an astonishing $1038.80. None of this would have been possible without the hard work and organisation from Ms Gillam, Ms Lu, and Ms Morgan, and we thank them for their continued support of Second Chance. Brittany Anderson (12O), Isabel Shorrock-Browne (12R) and Shanna Heath (12L)

BCSS READING CLUB T here is no better way to explore a new world, walk in the shoes of another person, or explore fascinating new ideas than reading. At Brisbane Central State School Reading Club, Year 11 and 12 BGGS students get to share the joy of reading with an enthusiastic group of primary school children whose primary language is not English. We engage the children in conversations about the stories we read, and the characters within them, and explore fascinating topics such as astronomy or the wonderful world of animals. It is great fun for everyone involved, and all the while improves our primary school buddy’s vocabulary, pronunciation, and comprehension. Working with the children and helping them achieve their goals is incredibly rewarding. As our time in the Reading Club has progressed, we have also found joy in creating a personal connection with our buddies and watching them develop as excellent readers. Truly, it is so gratifying to know you have made an impact as they begin their academic journey. Camille Cahill (12G) and Madison Danalis (12W)

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