2022 School Magazine


T he BGGS Ambassadors is a group who serve the School community in a range of ways. This year, we provided a variety of services such as guiding families through the Year 7 2023 House Afternoon Teas, the Years 7 to 12 Parent Seminar, and my personal favourite, Year 7 2023 Interviews. The look of worry slowly melting from Year 6 students’ faces as ambassadors answered their questions reminds me of our School’s powerful sense of community. I remember the daunting step from my small primary school to a secondary school with more than 1500 students. As an ambassador, we can make that step a little easier for future students at the School tours, enrolment interviews, House Afternoon Teas, and other functions.

Next year, we look forward to seeing Year 7 girls giving us shy smiles in corridors, and we’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that, through BGGS Ambassadors, we helped them begin their Grammar journey to Bloom with the Blue . Flora Cardell-Ree (9O)



W hite Blouse Day 2022 was a School wide initiative to raise awareness about gynaecological cancers and the need for improved diagnosis and treatment methods. Our theme this year was ‘Know your body,’ encouraging students to feel comfortable, with and to take charge of, their health and wellbeing.

In the morning, as students walked through the white picket fence, they were gifted a white ribbon to tie in their hair to show their support. During a virtual assembly, students made a paper ‘White Lady’ in their House Group and wrote on these examples about what empowers them, role models, goals, or a daily habit. All students removed their blue ties for White Blouse Day and carried their White Lady in their blazer pocket. In 2022, the White Lady is progressive and sustainable, encouraging positive relationships with ourselves and others. At lunchtime students had the opportunity to add their White Lady to the White Blouse Day mural. The goal of White Blouse Day was for students to have a better understanding of their own bodies and women’s health issues. Tammy Boden (12B) BEANLAND HOUSE SERVICE CAPTAIN

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