Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1993
P, in IPO" Aprond colon331000, Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Newspaper :incorporating the Appeal News Team spirit inspires swimme s su erla Ive perfo mane s a, ? A',, E ,,", aze Term I 1993 V01.2 Issue Not
rer' . who were followed by Somerville House und Clayfield Col- lege. Grammar has not achieved such
Finser Year 8. in Ihe Ul backsirok and Ihe 15 ears Division B 4 by 50
Eelher Jenkins &
freestyle relay team of Anna uccess since 1988. the year before Wood. Sarnh The lander. Amber me
Krlsllire Cooke
Th most sig, mean aspectof, Ire the resentseniors started atB. G. G. S Williams. and Kai Bentley pertonnan o the embers or lie it Ih o the team effort was The 4 years again proved to be Girls Gammar swimming team o demonstrated by the fact that 12 sec- Ginmmar's 51ron CSi. winnin Ihe'r I 3 was that the individual efforts ondand 01hirdplacingsweregained. ag divi ion by 35 points from SI o the swimmers contributed 10 the Cmham White the head coach of the Manga, e 's. As wellasAnna Bamnom o the whole team. ersonal SUCc leant, was 'extremely leased wiih record swim. Danielle West won the bests became ream bests. The ribili the way everything went". He said Sometresfoestyle DivisionB). Ajison 10 pu the school first meant that. at Ihat the girls in the team we 'xi Me Lean the 50 metres butterfly. and Chartdler on Marsh O. Grammar had cladi 10 the school ' and pmised not Kelly Jeppersen the 50 mere* back lis mrs. successful performance for only their perlonnance on the day but stroke also Ih way in which Ih whole many years w0 14 years relay teams. the 4 by The 453.5 coinisg"inchbyGrrun- squad trained and behaved" 50 metres freestyle Division B Allison Included eleven firs, The standard of Q. G. S. S. S. A. Radcliffe Ienniibr Tort. Binily Sinei. mar swim places. lime of which we "wimming is very high. Two of and NicolaRoss) and the medley(Keny ne records : union Gibson in the U1 50 Australia s Barcelona Olympians. Ieppersen. Daniell West. Liana metres reestyle 'vision C), Sarah loanne Meehan from a Hilda s and coker. and A1ison Me Lean gained Cooperin U13 0 metres freestyle Lisa Mackie from Stale High. coin- first pi Division D), and Anna Bamno in perch in the carnival. Although this Team spint carried over 10 the Saran Cooper. ear 8. also gained ' P. s". There were many "petsonnl und excited parents made their an another first place in the I 50 me. bests' from the Grammar team dur- co for the school a I Its breastroke and has been laded ing the competition and none better one ruseni. pre i i the chapoliian EUs *winmiin than the swim by Sophie Lehmann to Perhaps the endless hours spent learn, along with another Year 8 sin- I yams Sometres breastroke win 10iling up and down pool amius den . Emma Huichinson She was awarded the "Best errorm- lined moronlyby the exceptional hysi Grimmer was placed second 10 an o Day' at learn barbecue cal pertonnances, bur also in leans of SIa, High by n mere 20.5 coinL . that evening. the close bo d d I I f Seventy coin paroled the School wo other first place perform- between a firou of 51udents all from the third acegetters, SI e- umees were turned in by Miehelle milled 10 Ihe o tile 14years 50 metres freestyle 'vi sion D). may seem daunting for Ih compeli- sinnd at Chandler where the 10rs. i also inspired many to swim cheersquad. enthusiastic specialor
Enthusiastic supporters cheer on the team
Ga ina w rkin
School s Dining Mrs. one I staff. and $1"deni look for wad to working with the the nex Iwelve months and are CGr lain that Ihe student leaders or 993 will strive 10 make this year one of Following the CEILmon . parents and mends aliended an Informa af G lemonn Iea in I Room.
il I'k
I'm one Ihai requires cuminiiment to e School and Ih coinmuniiy. The role or Prefer is Ihroughou the School is recognised us an impor
o ge.
Katle Somer.
On Tuesday ninth of February 3 the students of Brisimie Girls'
utes. Lunchtime was shortened but time ror morning tea extended. Ninety preen, of the students who were interviewed strongly fa vo"red this change. Some of the most frequen comments given in eluded: There is more time ror each lesson^more workdone, moreshady done, and Less home"@rk, I in nor cam. phi"fing! And so, itse^ that oneeagain Grammar girls prove they are adaptable and hardworking
Rebecca Hannon &
Groinmiu School were introduced 10 a, xi dedication. Heren artstinson. a
muleonga, "lured thanmewHeadGirls and Herects. A formal riduction ceremony was hdd to cerebrare the
newlyappointed prefect explained:
Claire Valkhoff .-.^^-^ A ramn survey revealed that the students or Girls' Grammar prefer the longer lesson times. us, majority or surveyed students' who were rondomly co leeted from different year levels, we in favour of th new longer lessons introduced at the begin ming or this year. Th new timetable expands each lesson by an extra 10 min-
My rob as a heIbe, i, to hemo"r my Head Girls and PreferIs throughout
school and to sei high 3/@,, dandr for
users' on and was thoroughly enjoyed orhe, r, This alliiude i shared by all by all in attendance. Includin the Pierce, s whose extensive duties con-
proud relatives and fiend o the
tinue throughout the whole year and continued success and achievemen
Head Girls and Prefects
balanced with the academic
for Brisbane Girl's Clammur School
Throughout the successful his- demands o gade twelve and extra- he Prefects for 93 are lory or Brisbane Girls' Grammar curricular activities co ar collvmes. Iac uelyn ayliss Rachel ryani. SC I. Prefer Is hav played a vital This year's ceremony featured antin Charles-Edwards. HeIen role in maintoiiting discipline and in addresses by the School's Princi I. Claristinson on acorninos. essica upholding the School's hi sund- Mrs. I. A. Hancock, 1993 Head Girls. Conoplia. JamnaC, ombie, Melody aids and traditions. During recent Iudith Hadwen and Esther Ienkins. netsat. Alexandra Derrick, Bridget years'henumberof PreferIshasgrown and a fomialaddress by lire 1992 Head Effeney. Christine Gentner, in order to aceom, ,viale the increas- Girls, yn Orrand Camilla Wain- Katherine Hellzell. An ela mrs . ing number of students. This year a wright Naomi Jus . Bridget acLeod total or twenty five Rejects were in- TThh traditional htghlight of Ihe Brooke Marsh, Elizabeth Muskay, ductsd. many of whom have already ceremony was a pledge mad by each SaranM an, ChristinePee Kylie made a considerable contribution to Prefeci which. accordingly. received Rohl, Kaihryn SIoane. Rachael the school through academic and Ihe appropriaie response from 51u- Slamford, Eva Wood Felicity sporting successes, as well as service dent body Yales and Ann Zillman.
^b" Wrt on ^I
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^Ampere - "I^
a. d
a, ^ ^In on "E^in CF THE A^in^Errr
The 7993 Prefocts during the Induction ceremony
Page I GRAMMAR GAZETrE, Term I 1993
$16;hole1:. 1:1NeWS
Japanese eXchange students return home Angela Wllson tmlia than Japan. nironii was ver sit've b ' . "
Teena Tingle &
ity on assembly in Liarch. Erika said there were "differ- a litjj" d'If' 11 . " " '''''. 'I in really. really
Catherlne Auld
On Salu, ,hv 21 Nor. tintsr 1992 the Mary. mountZcnithauhJiBurlcich held tireir Charcr Dinncrio recu"nise ciNlof king. In, uniCullcge. tire Club Pre*i"nL Grus Sh, it "rid club Inem her\ antiided tile runt:1:1n. file Bri* han* Girl\' Gnunm"r Stht, 11 Zeniih Club \\."*,*, retrial by its PresidenL Julianiu Sing Alarmi, Whizenith I\ now the **L und Zenith Clubin Au\!nila hinte the rcccnic!,. uretilil, *K"in!b}nommi vin, 11 The club'* cnihu\jusiic and inch approach w" arcenru"adjn ;un c\"I itni spyech cniiiled The Rley, fur of coni"I. Tile contribution or*ucli"I attoiiiplish"! \NAcrw"*"PPIeci"led ZeniihCILib\. winchdi*cussi. *us* o11nleresi to 51uden!* and tile conmiu Brisbane Girl*' Gnunnnr has un nitsi&with Clubin Australia"Idhas Lide a suntilar forum for young pL, CPL and inc, core telrconiid*rice.
Experienees from -:^'.: ^.- 11-1^ 11^. if:*.:::;:. ^- : , another culture 1:1'*" ';,:,:' " ~' -:-:! , ,^f~ ^- "" '-' -; Schouj ; , O I Cir culture. ; '.. . ^ ': ' ' ^;" ', 1:11'~*" ' ' I I' " '
ised that. although Singapore is Singaporeancounierparts. andSa in , n' a Students encouraged the take increased ' t a new approach to learning ' d b ' to1,111re Coolto StandsforNegotiaiedEnterprisesWel. ties, expertise. mentors. and errra '
re, ,h ''pp'rt ' their alternative Wayin the learning centre. on th, Q, ,lity, IT, ,, litng an, tr, ,_ '" ram"'. Despite the Signif, Canee of the date, some work was
A Proposal was then designed in early ruses ,r its fu, der, ,,,,, ti to ." 'ncrease4 interest has also led 10 the establishment of a
Q. D. U. suecesseS Am azjn A ex D b t
Page 2 GRAMMAR GAZETTE, Term I 1993
(-**\**;' ---**,*'.**11:1^:****:;::*;,{*t*;'.$. I;^; ' ',;till' ' """"" *\:\,:11-*,!:i-:':::::\\.,*:;{I\:t(;;::. .--:;<-*/.*;:\\\;,,;\,.:;;',: 11**:;*:*;;- 4*;; * ***;;;*--**:;*;** :*-{**\Is^; I in'11/1 "' -'~ ' ;;*\-,-:;--;*-------}----\---:---1:11- -:--,--;;-:: ---:-;*-;*- ;*-..-,,*,\:*,,- ehiekens, ducks, and permaculture number or leie\i, 10n pmgram\ In all cotcrcd by " Ihick laycr o1' 51.11\ Lin Fairlle ",*""*
_., 111e in*I year. Perm"cuhure is a what , new at iruhil this I, "r? 1.1"I design \\slum \. hich in\, I*e* Following Ihc 1.3diii, n oilhe inst dejailed assessment uT all ;IFc" 1111rl twit yeah whereihe fowl\antand the hub*CLIu. in I planning for crier, y
I"ICr in line >ear Ihc ci"., e* wliu gu to irubil will hat' Mime ,, I Ih. ir 1.1t, rin, duced by Ihe*e ""rd, n*. Over 11N, 11 is 11nj, *d to h"\e in111 itces producing litreughuuim, *1011heye;Ir Thiuuplnycrcun*er\e*inoi*lure and . pr"\eni\\Lead"ed re"ching Ihcgrtiw- I Ing incdium. ,
Ihe pig pen were con him, led by Ihe
erriciency In remit LIT building*.
Years ele\. en andiwel\ e injeersied 11uman In\ulveinenl. and disirihu
SIudies girl. .Ihi*year. as" re*ui. ,I
11un ""d choire nipl"in* "rid ;iru-
Ihe is. P. canip. jinbil now boa*Is " runis in urucrio elimi""telhe u\* or large. rotted rhicken coup. a duck ariiiicial reriili*er* and pesticide\. a\ VCIl us a constant \upply or trekh peli. 111e firsi uT the Nom"culture Perm"cullure '11/1s 10 be reli-*us^ Leseiablcs. e\ en lithe quaniiiie* are ganleii*. und " irond. I"in ing ,rid is based on \er> sriund nor willcieni 10 *upply all Ihe needs file Year eleven sindenis bulli eculuglc"I principles. "11he Centre. The Year ei"hi. nine the chicken conp and duck pen and A1 Ih, level esiabli*hed at Imbii and I'm classes \*111 killvol\edin the acts, lark lent"tnny mothers 10the renn"culture "init to growfood plants sinnll"mount uimainien"nc" required day ,Id "hicks. it isjus: "s well Ihai for Ihe Centre not un1, \11h, ut dig once Ihe garden\ are eatJhli\hed the girls had to cease Iheir mother gills and wiih, ur bare ground I"rid On a musliSm:"rer Kale. at kilo. I ing to go ,, ul tin camp or ilie chick- Iherefore tt, thouiweed\! hulal" with- lit \""r IWCl\e I. S. P. grub:IF are cur ens niighi have Ihnughi Ihey were out cheniical* from out, Ide the sys- renil} u ^-If , I I ,--,, --I - .. ..... ... -...- I *. ..\,,, ,-. t ' I, - -' ' *." ' " I I * I***: ~, FF , * I **;^;;^?^*.+; "'**,,*" ;^::,. -; ,, JF I \,,\*, . . \\\.\ *. - ' chicken - sitting" 4 A1bert Park Flexi School offers street kids a ehance. * \\\\\\,, ., - *,. , , lie\I \LITcoi rin:I he d. t\ , hnlii"111 !,!". As " t:u"ncil cmpi, *ee he w" tintred inc nulliun ."Id 100k up Ihe cli;111e"ge kitli"rd'\ L. in1111uni"lion. \kill\ hiki hatn noned to " lint ed. ., ., litr \c\cn }cam in Uning uric ,I jilt (", Iuncil'\ ni, re un"ICJ*"ni I, b*' d, - lit erin* ,\1.11, in 11,111C, \ ite jusiihrc* \c"n n. I\" 11"I bt\!n Lie"r *, 11/11g ,, nU h"\" 111u\NCU a ick 11.1r r"I\111* niuiiieiii\ hut. .in" t, Iu ,h. ,n'c Ih. whiml in 1.1*rill"n. Ih* re. renth* \I", eni\ h"\c 1.11. "rid the Lulln, I'm, Ih, > IIJ\* 111 RiCii"rJ I\ c\ IU*ni. Ih*. JP;, c", 1.1. ,Lih*re 10 Ihe tuliplc rule* nt, \*... ,1'11. \. .Ir \10^ ,, 1/1/4;;* ''''1/4;,, "'~~' *;<:.,*.*. ^ Taryn Burns .^.^.^^ One'ing mum. und*r Ihe A1berl PJrk ripen "Ir Ihe"I, , hanc iten Ih* h, mr o1'111e A1ber, P"it F1e\I Scli, ,I I, r Ihe past Ihree \",. file <111kti pr, \iU, \ Ih. nitp"nunii} 1.1r BnL^ bune\ \Irecikid* to g. I, n "n "Uut;111, n "rid to jam 111e h"\IL flulhc"1.11cJl .in, innsu, Isc\1,111\ whi*h ".. runiiii"n\ re, pi, IJke inr grinie, . \him IOUr\can "3,111e "it \Irc, I kid\ cullir, nieU jilt Ihen Lur. I\tat, r. SJll}^Ann* AIFin*., n. wild *nu"Irc" "bun! *ICcpiiig ,ICcniiiiii!, d"11nii I'. Ir 111. ill, Incl*\. Livid~n 1.1' Dri\b. Inc it" drifting r, ,in\ in A1b*ri P. in. Ve, \ *113gL~iru I'm Fret, , I^. h, Iun * . ...- **:**"' **. ~ \ * .*J":* \**,- 4- A{ It ~ I* * \\***\\: I** * Wolf;ing on the pond * }* in Ihi\ *, Iu;!11.1" .I *,, alld be 1111 thing*inu, . fur IOUng PC, pit in SIM} in re*kibic 11.11 Iu ticL, ,inc In\ OILcd re, " 1112hi. Howc\*r. Inc, e r, ,, in\ h:Id *, in, 11} t\lib 111, *111, *111\ "lid Rich, iru rel, nil"I n in . 11, \ IJLcn .. n in* ,*jut. I r"it\ oreuid, \I ill*I 11 begJii "* * drop, n c, nir. .InLi I'll"i I, . 1:1:1, c Ihr 11\e\ 111 Ih, .e CLIiiibi, 1.0 \*. 1111 " \\11th, 11nL'11/11. 'nit huin. it\\ Lnildren ,. Ikit, ,Ind limit in, r, \", L*\\1.11 \\". jilt *ch, ,, I ,., \I"hit A1 pre**n, . w, Ih 111r** preg 1111. c, nc, pi \\"\ CLIenUe, I \\iih Ihe n"n! girl\, n 111c nill. Ihi\I\ 11.1"Iw"\. lielp 111 Ih* 8.5baiie Cii} C, until \1111pie 'Ih, 1.41 I. it. LLCr, 111.1 ,, rinu\ "1.1"I I it\I}cur A1h*ni'"rk Fit\I Sth"I "11,111ing nil educJiiuii Mrr* nilcn, , h", 11\ fini \I'Meni *nier 11niver*ii\ ,Iui ", Id " dimc"ticniiigi. L, , runi";n*, fitc hunt WITr\ "lid liedic. 111.1n pain in FCbru. !n Iq, Q Bt I, or, tilln"uih un nild *h. Iuld mate \L"L inr jujure budding \Iudeni\ kurince, and mud* \uc, tite* with Ihe '011\e "11iiuJe Iheir\a> to A1beriP"rk. in IQ*2111ere or nil Ihc studeni* current1\. " 111e \, a. a recurd high 1.11**ni} litu $1u- tilth. I. *uruiy Ihere it unly it nio, " deni\. Currently Ihere are righieen un \!lite*\nil Iu!ure .Inc. U. Ihc roll "lid 11uiiiber* JP""r in be un En\bane Girls' Grillnni"r Sch", I Ihe Incre"re ,111c" F1, dc\ cie\"n "rid ILLej\c sir SIudeni. ;ITe \Iud}'ing mr 111.1r delli\111e LIP"minii\ to u. *"rvice at Julii, rand Stillor certinc"re* ", Id are inc \!heri Park F1e\I School to heI truly ticdicaied. h I* increrlib1.1.1 in inr 111e <111rlen!*. Thi* *i\ '* Ihe ., hvine 111" \urniuiidiiig\ in 1,111ch Unitinuniit 1.1 h"Ih ."I\ n! studciii. jilt*c hindcijj* IC;inI hill Ih, \ ni. 11.3, to IC, 1.1 Ir, ,in *.\h .,!her rinU hLr* I'm\I '. uLLt*\fullt. \11 ,, I 111,111 "it' .^^ lull> fur;*. " iru lint. \ \Lhi"h 11.1"11. *nihu\!.,, it jind 1,111!I, .1.1. "!11. Tilt. *!. t**ill, .. Ir, "*."litj. .,,,,,,,,,, illu*lire ", in I, ,. 11ni vin \In. I" .Milt\ " "*. Alit' " ;11r :.!11.1:I, ., rid ,' ..,, in"Ihin:! in;11 in. jilt " ,. I. ,,., , '11/1"I n. Irur. .., Ih, ' .. fun. I. Girl\ L'hit, Tii*,* vind*11n hillcih. inni. I- Iit"1111/1"r ni, k** .111,1,111".. I * n Hill I; \* i, , JUL. .Inc. Ih*1:1*I\ A '11/1" c, in- hull. ,n in Ih" I, rill u! unn;ticu 11,111 I. nilin* to Lirug=it to \ur. .I\" if, ,ni ,ill. h 11.1p\ I. , ill"FC jilt " 11.1, I'll. ""\ to Ih* lit\I *",! *I 11. , IhL 11, ,"I. 'Ir\\ bin \ * ,\I*., T!, L ,;..- 111 111, .111dciii\ h. ,\, ; inc} H"U\c, J, .,* 111,111*\ illrou, 11 Un3c, 1,111,111in, *111.1 I*, 111, hiur .*k, \I'll\ NILi\, 11\"... 1.11\ * "rid r", ul"r. Iu, ,nl\ illitiid 11\c "J. \ " in Ji jin c 1'1, .. I \th full .."n rillr* h "\, , \.. C, Ir, ,111 1:11"1.1.111 1:1 :., 11 pm it* liti"\ Ih*! .. Ih. r ,. Lh, ,,, I\ Ink. T 11c \illd, ni\ ,u, IheinLei\ e\ 111r, .u, 11 ;,, r F1.1111*d 111.1r L, ,ur**\ in 111, \I .;I\,\ I\11h Ih, \11 1.1 u. at rinimm"r ."11 h. in ticlp 111 \ nluni"r> lullir\ IL h, arc Nit" 111.1, , jilt h*11, r 1.1r Ih, \* in " "\ 1.1nu *Iuu"nL\ I rt, ni wit\ *r\:11c\ R:cli"I, 11.11. Sunniit inc fir\: \Lii. ,. 11 it 11.11 I'll, ,!. I I\ 111. Lu-., ruinJiui ,"' Ih. 111L LIPpiinuiiii\ prt. uni\ incl, Two clubs undertake an economical mer er Megan Scott & Virginia Jay infomi;11Nh 11Nu; careen. jin Ll"h I. Tii. - c\econ\. I*..,,, -,, ill, J b ,,.__,:_, jin"rt"ni in nial. ing ,conuniic* a sub- Inclu. :*\ :hc inc\jutni*. \I . . \ . nieE, ,rinmic\S, "ith arcirl*' jeci, !'inICresii0"11,111rlenL\ filelir\I d\ . ' I . ' * '.. r. mm"r a, n, . to Fretit* it in runi Dr. *maiiun on , \I"rth fitu**ed un rum"n*I. Ih Sk. . . '. .'". wit, c \Iude"IL can lisi, 1,101h, ** Iheri"*andl"11,011he5i, "KMarLei I".., I. d ' : working un till ICreni are, . ;Inrl discus. and Austinlin'\ ecnn, ,nile \i!inn. 5 * lopic, . uith "L. ,,, unit impii"11.11*. * The hocie:}' ha\ nit'eni!, Jiniiaitd \'11h Ihe Brisbane Grimm"r annom IC< Club. increasing Ihe diver*11y of ideas and tip"tinuniiie* for "uesi speakers. nits IC;arthe 51udeiiis hope to omange sneakers un lopics as var led as Ihe Rug*ian econoniv. econnm i's and trimmerce at Uniterally. Canirkll', Iai. eover of Ainuiiq. the I"\I lint Indu\icy und "crinumic* in businc**. B} di*c, I, Ina r. let"n, "rid lopicai issue* " *C:; J uneniii. \UUTce, . "I Education the young about Cancer ^ Sarah Jane SI cjajr These assignnieni* were u*d at -.-.--, SI Peler\ Junior Scliool in a reqource The Lindenis in y"r nine ill 1992 cenire 10r Ihe children'\ educaiiun cnncluded their study or Healih with and person"I inIere*:. The relum or lese"ithing assignmenis aini. d at In- Ihe cuntrihuiinn* alro hrou*hi man: rooming younger incmber* or \DC1eiy postiive cumnie"15 iruni each grade aimui cancer. CTeaiing either a prim- Ivhich had gained wineihin" from Ihe phlei. game or vi. unl aid. *"ch pro^Ci creJii, c work Sume ganie* were 10.11\, ed un " \petiiiciyp. ,I cancer. relain, d for funher r*rerunce. giving U. S. ribing the \yin"I'm\ und Iru"!- b, 11h twin vin*ni and incrca\, U awnre 111"n . n. .. :,., \uu"ger whorll *Iudeni\ ^ , .. . . Mr meden was a chainiing and lieiprul mein byr or the sth"o1 eoni in unil}. His fri, ridl} Scumsli at rental\a}s briglilencd, ip hit gr"et ing wheth"r he Has selling up 111, audiiuriuni or k"epi"g nur gardens green and clipped or our grounds An nth"r delightful "a} h" added 10 sch""! lire " as the pres ence or his faithful. constant Kristine Cooke On rriU", 26 Martli. Ihe mein hers of the Sclioolfnmil! furcwell"d a popular lieure in ,, n. or Ih" pmundsni*n. Rill PCd"n. Although \Ir Perle" 51ill intend* to w"rk part-tini" for " itw hours a wetk. 11" will pi, " up full-time work. inking things much eggi"r from no, , c, impanion. his dog .\rigus. Angu* ace"in punicd \Ir Peden tin his duii"s und. allh"".. 11 he was a paticnt "aceep, er" "I man} pats and cumin""is. he niaintained sitadf"$1 in his r"IC as \Ir PCden's flu"rdian. Tl, " until" school Mislies them both it"11. is erai"Iu1 10r their genuine cuminilm"nl. and hopes 10 see them both often. Page 3 GRAMMAR GAZETTE, Term I 1993 . ,I. '* * tf \ *$,* * * ' .*V* *$,. v. :***.*.*,, - I, ,. J, ,... ~ ** . , . ...,,. .~. ,, . . . ,. . . ***'******* ~~~ * ~ Otterlie * ~ ' ' * .., * ~. * .,*_,.,_.,-,., I:\;::';!:**:-**;.:,*.;;*",.**:,,::if*' " * -' I. *; ' ., I ,;*: *:;"'. **,, , : , . . .;; * ,;t, ,\::.'*,-:::,..-.'..::'.'...:*:\'.,~:...\*.' "Achievement is the result of hardwork" Some weeks ago a certsin list Iniprove ourselves and to achieve. in apneared in The Corner Mail. The facL if you look around Ihe School. list specified "the top twenty schools Grammar is full of over achievers in the Stale" ranked according to They're easy to spyi; they're alitho" how their year Iwelve student body girls who have morning rehearsals and pertonned in the 1992 Cure Skills Test and o1her Boaad of Senior S - ' ' ' ' on day School Studies assessment not wrong. exhausting perhaps. bur ,b, ,*, DC ." ~ ONLY 54 ^0. 1.1NutE5 b!. till "~Ar A, . ,,. , "co . \ I rec" 'r ,~. LBS. ,6 ,,*r ~ ."a".^ co t, ^F ,*, Lb' !:" "O On itI procedures. This School was placed dellniielynoisomeihing to be ashamed second on this list. Certainly this is a of Ave should all be pleasad IhaL at wonderful achievement bui it must Groinmar. each girl is encoumged to be recognised that these results are a explore all her different Ialenis and fIh 992 a lilies and it is this capacity Ihal congmiul"lions are owed To achieve results such as those A few dayslaierthe results from already mentioned you need niore every school in the Stale were pub- than talent and OPPoriuniiy: the at lisliad and the new sysiem of inIe- Iiiude of accepting and providin" ginied assessment was strutinised us mr. raiher than questioning. the de readers of The Corner Mall sought sire to work is what encoura"es to detect any discrepancies and jin- each girl to attain her gaols. Cer bai"ices in lire resulis before thenI. lainly. I anI 1101 so naive that I * could be expected. nuny of Iheni believe Inai this a lies to all ' e the h"uns unt s ,j ,- . . -. eV*ni} se\en girls, gap between rinv"IC "rid public of 1992 Year TVel\e* 111.1 ' d'- whorlls. 11w, rs hinied that Ih*, c it an \idu"11y did Iheir best d. unfair advan"g, in prtv"Ie thoul- a " 00 - group. alla:n, d Ihai commendable ', d, antageu'. . , e rinps we are pH*ileged. owe\er. whcn 1:11"ing ab, ui Ihe \. alue and xi, nilIC"n'e o1'0 S ch o01 Nil Sin* moilo Labore" - moiliing wiihnui liard un rk. Howe\er. whcn 1:11kin" ab, ui "ducaiioi, .linereis one imp, nanii"c 10r Inai lielph Gramiii"r vin* sund nullr, in Ihe rest : a desireio iconi. to "Youth must look to the future" thefts .bT. I r ? b ows once repudiaied PIe to shape our future is over- which motivates hunt"n acti \ e inningIy apparent. Our by CSpousi"g Ihal an innate con cmd I rl . r!I or one another is the key to it is therefore imper"live that to- At the end or Term one' many day s youth become increasingly students reassess their situation aware or the issues which will at recllhem and the wh I engcspnse X to realise that our goals for per Secure in the environment sonnl success are our means of rifthe schoolitis natural to s"e entering and cre"tin" a world problems outside our jinmedi- where greal things can be ate sphere as irrelevant or achieved fur the good orall. in a merely the subject or tenbooks. world so often seen as replete On the contrary, youth uricm- with grasping individualists, the ployment, equality tor women concept or a tenm of individuals and minorilies, and economic is obscured. Each person, cum in un, y, an nation brings unique ness and under51anding are vl- where the energy and enth"si tai. asm or youth has its place. As the school already pro- Within Ibc school a PIeth"ran vides many opportunities to con- or opportunities exists to develop ribute to the community and our social awareness. The 'in. our social . he in - ncrease th" scope or our inter- portance or such pursuits is not CSl in the nation and 111e globe. confined by the walls or Girls' this is not a daunting task. What Grammar bul is fully realised in is essential, however, is optimism our emergence into the adult and positive goals. community. The skills we ac While recognising the quali- quire at school should be used. and this School have many rid nuence endorsed. People. pan vantages. Our worth. therefore. ticularly young PCOple. need lead- is not determined by 111is Dud ersforroc. us andiuspiration. Iflhe fortune but by the use we make dairudi"n or our railh in human or it. Stephen Grellel once said: nature signals Ihc derision of lead- "I expect to pass through this ership. it threatens Ih" basis or world but once. Any good thing. your potential. inertrore. that I can do. or anv it's time for a ren"w"I or kindness I can snow. to any rello\, idcalism. The acclaimed creature. let lite do it now. for I acliievements of Fruitssor Fred shall rinl pass this way ariai" " Hollows and the swell or sun- Rather tini coatufuig our mitt, is purl fur the Fred Holln, ,s F"un- amimir!oninrulaiirihutcs*, iUiin wall drillon in continue his work is go oniond", IdIh*nicotineg, ni"faulthe evident" or such idealism. Pro- Norid's pittniial nut only to strive for personal r"Inline"I but also for the good or all. ties or hope and resiliency. it is tempting to overlook the dan gemus level or apathy and disil Iusionment. Too often cynicism is accepted and its destructive in- This generation. this counlry, ^O 54- mirini, +0 90 ! I Letter "'to .the Editor: The possibilities for a new train serviee ratse for your attention an ,. hithis presenUy "xdusi, el:. used Ro alBrisl, H future Student or your school. I an , groups art's to salt. antimnn, e, to", raised. so fungi, e me it I am pre- the Slate Go\emuieiii to proifde a \\Tmi ha e Iitfor to the decisions pr"- kilnui. ynurhro"letschooLtheKd*in ri*talcum - ' ? ~ bane HUS ' I I h 11 "I Maid. Scott Blackt, elj Letters to the Editor and other contributions Th*,* thoul, by \ubnii!"d In Kn\lint Conk* CL 3. nl R'Sourc* T*"chen' Ronin Pii 831 I'mI DR^ C"men ready' artwork *h. uld be subn:illed to Paul Benneii a 2.05 Cumpui*r SIaff Runni Articleh and leiiers- un coinpuier disc HID!OS- \\. ilh 11anie and corn, ci . e Editorial Committee Ediiors Sub-milors/ Sport Sub-milor/ Arts Sub-Editorn'calures Sub-milorDesign Naonii Jusi and 10h"rina Sing Eric" Dunsian and 10 halti; Kyin Smith Tar}. n Bums Eva wood Staff Consultanis Paul Benneii and Krisiiiie CUDke The newspaper committee would like to express their appreciation to Iho e \ I encouraged this new endeavour by purchasing adveriisin", space. We would ho that our readers will support those who have supported lis. That's what friends are for been more aciivcin reminding Ihe buiwillalsn provide our Old Girls world or her age and her accum- willin neiw, rL of influence which Felicity Williams The Girls' Grammar School. pii*hnienis. of blowing lierirumpei. Brisbane has been around a long bu to speak? \Vhai about all the lime; one hundred and *ishieen oilier annivers, ri*s and celebr, lions years. in fact. Her binhd"y fell on in b. SII"red in Ihe injure? 15 March. alld in a 51*Ie becoming \\'cll. a new group. FRIENDS to a discreCi and dignin"d LLDm"n OF GIRLS' GRA\I\I, \R. i\ ah, ui or litr age. Ihe e\*ni p"*\ed \\11h to he launched *hith \\ill promnie bar, IF a ineniifjn un public. NUL\. "rid in*ref Inc in Iere*I\ 111 Bri\h"nc ii'\ rini us Ihnugli \11c * d, crepii - Girl\' Gritiiini"r SLh. ,ni. ,lid build " 111de*din, n, \"} \hc h in h*r primc mmu"111\uppurli\e ne!*"rL uii" rind ccrl"Init rini in 1.1 " nild-Iil, nutiic* Ihrnu, 11 ill, ,\Iumni JnU nili. r ITi*rid\ JnLl \uup, irkr. ,, iIh. \\h\ didn'111, rin*rid\. I, , \1,111* \. hi, ,I. in 111e ,'idcr c, .him"n!I* Ihing to 111.1, I. in* ,..,, I\111n. nut T, 11\ nL" uruu, 1.1;! 11.11 11ni\ 1111ghi a\;,. Shnuidn '! ine} hJ\*, tun, ,r! Ih* Sth, ,, 11 "rid 11* tnn, ,r"\ L ri\I\ may assist and menioriheni in 111eir juture careen and allou' them ac ce\s to irue equii, 111 Ih. work place ^'c \Libh F. 0. G. G. LLCil! E\, re\\I, n \ ni ini*re\I winulJ b* .!U"re\,.\*d " Ih* Printip"I' ~ S CL'rc1.1r\ B ri*hJn* 1.1r1. ' <11,111iii. !I S. h. ..,, G BRIS H \ 41,111 , 6 : I ' ,.~. "' . J ' ^ . ,. . '. * '* I \, *. . t, .,,**,. - '. .;, ^ ._... . I. .~ .,,*\\ . .. ., . .* ... ...-. , . ...- I. ,. . :.:.. .***. . J. . . *-, . ^, ^. . . t , \ . ... . . ' . ,. ."' ' I, :, ....., ., . *' '. . ,, \'.' 11-*. . *.... .. ..,\_..: . , ,, "" ""~' '~" ~'..,, ,,*****. ---- ,............. *..._. inter house drama produces two nights of high-ener entertain t lion Ir, 1111 Ih, ad'udi*ajor a u 1.1 "I' ' '' Prim} 111e hislory of Hant"k. wit, w". \cn kern for "11 ODNr!unii} Tor itn litd. pill. p\, ch, - lire Sth"11 to hate inI upreriuni*' to tout"I viciq ni Ihe eFitcis of 111i. see a play. Nilh such a sireng 111esFagc. huu. eh, Id cleaning app, rJiu*" ,11 The piui rocu*ed on Ajic* and two jeeringCTS. niC Lull, IC cuncepiI\" ", I rel* or gunniian angels. uric chainin cl"*\\idea", lid an uric\,, ticd chance 'er Whatitc. "belk I b, '. 5 U\\Casel* amazing rid-jibbing The dance oilhe housewires drew an Shelle^ 11iife was a wonU, rful Pre especially sri, rited runense trolli Ihe *en!er and Lucy Burke and Bi, nc" nudience on the 11iglii Thresh gave in o51 con\inclng The progmm on Ihe Friday. highi "dudi*h' performance*. Den" Dill, n began wiih Hirschfeld's "Dream a also produ"d a sirong Terrorm"rice Liille. Dream'. directed by Naoini Just who ajs , . . e adjudic"mr said Iha! this play ara o4an. This Interesiing play' Tartjcaiide"wiih fine satincal\. t' g The final play. or Ihc RSIiL"I I\", The penomiance or Sumh Morgan us Gibson 's "Uncle Eruie's Portr, ii' Mange" who* ambiiion was to be a wriiien and direci, ! h Kar" Allen me Iher was a high!Ishi. as \Lag and produc*d bv Claire .\ddle*ee This play wits an interestinn blend or ' ~ in P O a n} mined some git. at "one' Iiiiers" A * \ -;**;" * \:;'^\.:,.**. ,, * *\*;*,, **-, f*- :,. I. *,- . *, - ' I *.-.*' *t ;-:!\ *^ I f, , ;:\* ^ 41\ " ' **./. ** . \ ,;:I;, ..,' 1.1' ' ' it;" ' '*;;'**, r;- ,J ~. ,*;*:, .. .- .- chaiiges bv each backsia"e crew and. above all. Ihe mienied aciin" or the girls. Shc was also inmressed nieiiied on Iheliigh energv of each PI"I. . the quick and erricieni sei alld unknown Italiano* invading a ramil}'s quiet night logciher at h. ni*. This pi;Iy was a dimculichuice hurlhe choreogmphy was a hi, blight O\era11. 1.15 Benner coin ; . ,,. \, rf, ;* * \ "Sorry. wrong Nuniber". per loaned by O'Connor. was a corned>- jinller wound around an overheard leiephone call Ihai gave demils or a planned murder. Eva wood. us 1.1rs ~ I *\ f $ J t {* runnances from the casts. However the sureess of the 1993 Festival wasin Kym Smith Scrogings as the leader of the heroes SIe\enson. and Calllin Hunicr. as Ser and an interesiing villain in Heidi geani Dully. stole the show but were Pieizner. resplendent un uniform. ably support*d by the many. dancers The interhouse Drama Festival rin small measure due to the dedica was held on 25 and 261.1amh and lion. enihusiasm. and " Tsuasive" played to packed houses. Interhouse lethniques of Ihe House Druma Ca - rivalry ensured acti\ely involved au- lains diences and lively enter"in merit On the Thursday evening. Eng The adjudi"10r of the Festival. land preseniedilre first play: "A Space Sue Bellner. slated how dimeult the Oddiiy". directed by He Ien decision of chuming a winner was Chrisiinson and Kaiharine Wei"Ih"I. ause of the extremely. high stand- This play. about supervillains in love ami or all 111 the performances bui with superheroes trying 10 save Earlh. MinonWoodh d G ' lit y n we supporjed Each of the seven Houses pre. cooperative efforts or 77 energeiic . play with lively and compellin" per House members and featured Kelly ICOACHTRANS I PACKAGE I Save 50% on Full Prices I semied an aciion-packed. his11-energy Reeboks. and dummv and Ihe leiephonisis who made Ihe by' Ihe fact Ihai inari\ girls had e Secon p ay un I e ' bill' au Ience g Ihal Telecom is au10- \, '11 h ' ' . Palel. _. .. , .. wo action-packed nigh!* of qual it> entertainmeni. jusiifj. ing theire Snow White andihe ina it ' woodh, incn OUS errorls pul in by all the I Chess IOUmamenj un Bangkok was paduced as co cert and was a d z I ZllnE eveni. to which over 180 musi- clans conlrlbuial. For one week Tomin\ Knitrg. Grace Knighi. Glen Shor, cL and \'eneiia Fields rocked tile Suntory Piazza at Southbank within, Andre\, LIDyd \\'ebbermusical. "Ch*\s". The slury or Ihe love manglcs belween two Eels of lovers connected wiih a fifty-piece orchestra. the Brisbane Chorale. and an eighi-piece rock band. A few familiar Grammar also King Anhur and a flock olducks Virginia Jay's hairy-chesied Prince drew 'ridniiring" glances alld Ihe freeze frame MCIions of the seven The Woolc, ck House drama Uust Equal" direcied b> Kaiherine Girls' Grammar contributes to Chess. Naomi Just Also. Christ tipher Pairick liencher Dr cello! was heavily involved in Ihe produciion in his POSiiion us Orchestral Lianager. The show was a verv EUC cessful event. stunning jig au diences wiih rini only musical brilliance bui also high enier- ; lainmeni value. TITe co- uruina- ; lion or In usic. dialogue, jinhi ing. sound and movemeni was very. effective and Ihe \how leti a 1.51ing Impression. To itchie\. e Ihe niliinaie r*cogniiioniide*trved ii only lacked one Ih, rig: a longer run . . . i) dancers. This play was the result of Ihe dwarfs were hilanous = . . . . . . ~. %~ it~~~ *^ if ~*~ . . I .. .....-.. - , ... . lie\"I it had been a rewarding and merit wereob\inus 101heaudience. " was obviousihar the uhole cas: be Emma Taylor Special I^Iue Price Also includes IIJou witnessed Grammar'sinu- siCal produciion. ^b!onS. at + ERER Drtiik vouchers for two on arrival memomble experience the beginning or ADrll. you would The 1,205 American nan itr haveseen"ridrecognisedihei"Ienior background or EU^ mude the whole cast. The principals. An- jinllihe niore exciiing and differeni SUF Grant. Bill Johnson. Marvel andihe American accentsadn led by Domey and our own Naomi Just. alithe cast ga\e am, re auiheniic reel R"chinl Boldery. Serah Black. Kale and contributed 10thCSuccess clench Eltham and Kara Allen, ga\e out- performance. $1"riding and professional perform- 11wasnitjustihec"51 who \\riched an cos each night. hard; Miss Witch. r and Miss Audiiions began righibackin the Buchan"I from Boy<' Grammar ul wond week Drierin. wiih pans de- in itemendous energy and effort and cidad aimosiiminediaiely. Rehears- Iheperfonn"riceofeach casimeinber alsihen began and conlinucd right up benefited from Iheir expcrti" uniiliha"y beforeihe openingnighi. rug^ jusi would not The twenty-fi\e gins form years Q 10 have madeii. if tile band indri'theen 12 relre, rwi hard for seven ILeeks a success and Ihe^ deserve to be before the pertomiances. while Ihc praised for Iheir hard work and per swig managed to pick up Ihe dance 10nnance steps quiie quickly. lint hay$ Mere a if}nu, .J missihi* energeiicpro bit uric*-ordinaled and look a little duciion. }nu missed a gre", SL, inn longer. Hot\e\er. they' did c\eniu- and ajile-, Ize ventriloqui, :'\dummy ally catch on in lime fur opening which eliciied an hilarious r'spnn, e nigh:. froinihe ;Iudiencc. You alko in i'sed when 111e cast e\emuall\ rollnd vime ni, gic"Iru usic, rid "citing cor I e rehe"r, al iconiinns. many hours runies. EU^ \\, s an o1her nih"rd v. ork were, hcad bui. In per- tel> Lurec\%Iu! and enjoyable 'Dini miniance. Ih. enihusia*in and. Iuuv- Gramni"r*' production. + EREE Undercover parking + ERER Reinrn dyner, tonefers + EREE for Children under ,2 when in th coin as adults (max. 2 cmdra, ) + PLUS Thyo film buffet breakfasts I and- A few familiar Grammar friends were noted: Anne established hotels, proud to serve Queenslanders I '""' "U. "'"my" 0, w*11-My",, I Pas ian old girl of the schooli For Reservation Ring Kenie Free Call 008777789 am Tel: (07) 83,6177 or Fax: (07) 83259,9 Or see your local Travel Agent. Offer valid until31, ^,'93 GAZ E B O HOTEL BRISBANE Australian Owned and Operated mm ~,~ ," ~~~ 345 Wickham Terrace. Brisbane Sriec:"I Accommodation Deals also available .I. emubo Sydney - $99 & Gazebo Parr^tin - $99 Page 5 GRAMMAR GAZETTE. Term I 1993 *','.. '.. . 44 '.'* -....-, ,,...~ , , .. ,. ,,.. ,,,., , . . . ... , I. ,- 1, \* .I it*.:I, , I I. .I .',... : 11 , * ^ . I. . I. ,, ~.,;, , . ' ... ^'^11^. I ' I^I "'* ~ . ~ '~ ": ' ' ''1 ' . ' . '. ~ ~ '.. .,: .' * I~ I. ,...\....-**...'..... ...'..-. ..*......:.^.......... .... .. J, ......,*... ......... ...... ..,.. ^ -.. \- ^ , * Four generations of Grammar girls, titre s sum. Ihing very special quelle '11/11h"*ised. Multi .;I}* lier abou, 11.1ng a Tourih Gcneraii, n "Nan"" alwa}\ quoitd: "c!can11n**\ Cramii:ar Girl". Th* sthunl. it\ I\ nexi in Godlin*.\" " " phr"\c tmdiii, n\. 1.11ilnLophi**. 11\ Cad* ,11 in*!111ed in the "\, un" I'dIch" 1.1 Behaviour. IIJ\tIteiip"'11/11/11 Iil" BCG. S. for " lung "\ I ,Jn rcnicm}*r. Hui nilh* 1,211\In}. RindiiiJicll\., I 111.1i Inai'* rini\,, \urnnLing I\ hell \,. u init, -rumi\purl king. nL, 11r".. d and I. rinv Ih"! lily in, Ih"r hJ\ IVCn ""it ,, t ,, I INIL h, r toriii \\un 111* "Tug I" 111e \cii, nl \ccii* \incc b*r *hid, in War" hullheii mr 11*, 1,111i\iru\\. MILL d">* In Ihe IQ5!I* V. lib inc ,*. erui, ,n Li!icy". \Innj\,, Ihi* I'mI 1.1' *\*Kit or tvn 11\c**"\ \thujanliip\. klu:n an 11 \t"*, it I'd\-jilt. Crunch, I, "I*, h;,* han I"ching at BC. G. S. *ii"c F1;*direnni*, lid ;incrpr, ,11c*Inni" IU6U, rid \\" thildrcn LLCrc *Ith 11cr, it Jh. nilhin\. inc girl\ L*"ld itu\ u \lit* ith, inI 11,111 11ur itIh:. d",*. niltr"d .!ridj. ,11 nuni 111* k, 1.11cii illr My broili*n. \itICr. F11cnJ .;Ind I uric 1,111n\. Thi\ .\;it I. !ICr di, tnniin- .111 reinemb, I' Ted. " kind ,rid \\"n- 11. , A Ih* in"1.1\ VCre 14k, but\ d*rinlg"linchin"in. \\11n 11*ed in left Suimminp \\J\ cnn, jusi*d an Ih* u* undi*11 us iani"*lit' *10n** Iu*u"11} Spring Hill Baih\ and hilli \lulli un" "buu! mumier\ lurking in n:hbiin Gr"nuni" reini* Ih* 111.1hnd of \\Jll. - binsj while LLC \Ia}e\I un line R"11.1 ing an it genile pJc* to Ih* Baih*. ill R, 1,111 mow SI. 11. or Ihc gvmn"*ium CIOcnJilc 1111m, lion. huldin" Ihc where in, ,$1nf my lime with Muni \J\ 31.1 Ltd hand .. i \nur punii*r. kilt .pelii. Brock\\"v IJughi Gin!I'm. I. anJ Men Our Lindy. Lady Cowrie. w;tsjus, 0'ROUTke was Alum'* FF. Ieach*r. h three rinnuies froin B. G. G. S. . so we is in Iere*tinti Ihni Mum was a I were picked un and brought back 10 pro"Ched by thc thoul to or, "ni*e a schoolforihe duration of "afterscliool concert in the City Hall as a fund reliea"15". After phinary school we raising for our own Kilool pool would also come hack 10 BCG. S The concept of inICr-form spyn while training sessions continual. So was still present in the fifties. but my wlinle lire has revolved around Ellena and I are used 10 the house B. G. G. S. . aimnsi as if it were my sysiem second home and Ellena and I seenied I think the bignesi chan"e he to know every nook and cranny or IWCen our general ions apart from tile this school well before we came here numbers of girls airendin" the school as students has to be in Physical Educaiion and There was never any douhi that the use or Information Technology we would be "Grammar Girls". Jusi Cmndma 101d us lier P. E lessons as my coargrandmoiher had guided wcre very basic. The class was di my Grandma to BC. CS. . colon when vided in10 three groupb. Group I we were little we heard the wonderful did setexerci"s with Miss BTOckway: stories from Grandma and Multi or Group 2 worked on the rings: Group their lives at school 3 did skipping exercises with illdi There is something cuminrling vidualropes. After are11imeihegroups and secure in knowing Just where you runied in all anIi-clockwise direction. will be ' growing-up" during those Thai was the Tweniies special years' ItcineinberIconii, Igilie By inc tinic Mumeanie hereinier B. G. CS. "war cry" allhe same lime school compeliiion had evo!Led. SIIe as I was learning nursery rliymes. repre"nied BCG. S. in swimming. Grandma. Mum and Ellena encour"g- Int"ving. ballsamesandne!ball. IThe Ing me willI every phrase and clap- only other sport at Inat lime was ICn ping my hands together as if 10 cm- mis. ! plusise every word. In reNhool ballsames and track Looking through family photo- were held on a Salurda ' at the grephs. the BC. G. S. uniform pops up Woolloongabba Cricket Ground and lime and lime again: with my grand- line an line again : wi my gran - Grammar girls competing wore a spy mother in the 1920s. my mother in the cial while dress with an 'herion" back 1950s. Ellena from 1986 to 1990. and and sleeves. and a royal blue ban now myself danna. Mum still has herinierscliool Or course there was no unitbnn "sport<" dress in her urnrdrobe for Ihe gentile young ladies in my Mum's P. E. lessons Mere con great grand-mother's day. and lime ductsd in the old gym - a women has also changed o1her aspects or building labou, where the 1,001 is scliool life. in my great-gundmoih- nowj which had open Iaiiice walls er's lime. the empliasis was on the from the waist up. The exercises they education or the ""entle you rin Ia- did wereJumping on the $001. vaulting dies" with all appreciation o1 music a horse. and working hand u\. er hand and a thorough knowledge of e!i- along aladder susj, ended horizoninll! ,\.. ., ** ' '* .. ,. ...,..,.. .... I "',;*\ - ^^ ^'J- ... t tt. . I ,, ' * * ..# _.' '4*. ~. . *.*,,,#f. .**. . .. ' '~ "' '*"*;:.':':,, ..^;I;. . I- -:^;;;*-: ' ** I^;' ' ' " I. . : :.'\**-..^* ,-- ^ ** . '-'.. ' ';*;' .'~ -' *,,,-- - .. '** .. -. _ . -, \, ,... . ..,,,**f .-, . -... -_ ... ^, . ~ . . *-..*{ , *' ** ,:."'-' * , '. .. ..... '...,*'J ~ . .... \* ... , ,. \ , ,,. . , . . \* .. , . . . -.^ .,.. ... ... .,..,,. .., With Mrs Hancock. glandmoiher DOJOthy, Hughes. mother Mery! Papas. and daugh!ers E"ena and Phoebe. from 111e roof. This all see, ns 5.1 printi live to me. I'"I so gl"d Physical Billcaiion 11.5 progressed 10 gi\e u* the upp, \nuni, to be jilt. o1, ed in \fj many' more EPOhS. Ellena rev*lidl in Phys. Ed. and represented BC. CS. in swiniming. ballsanies. softball. neiba11. '11/1eu" and rliythmic gymnastics. Sire was also able 10 lake Hcalth & Physical Education as a Bumd subject which allowed for participation in rinme, ous o1her sports such us volleyball. arehery. golf. and waier polo. Our School has a strong tradition in Performing Arts and my family have always been involved. Gleni grandmother had "The Musical Evening". and Grandma relates the nunierous auditions for a musical pre senied by BCG. S. in lite old "Thea ite Royal". . During her school days Muiii was asked 10 cliore, graph Ih* BCG. S. production or 'The Manic Rule" in 1955. niis was agreai honour and rin doubiiliis debuiledlieralongihe palh 10 her professional coreer as a clinrc OSIaplier and clioreologisi. Over Ihe years Mun, has worked on lots o1' school produciions including 111e Gala Exiravagan" 10 DPEn Ihe Cellmiann mien!re : a highligliiin the his lory or Our KiloOl. My brothers. 51ster. andljusiaboui know every song and danc* from tilese shows. and one of my brothers has become quilt exilen at lightin" and sound effects - as a result ai b. Ing with Alum during 1.11e"ranl*. Ellena carried o111he faniil>' irudi lion and played Lime Dub, rinei in 'The Boylriend" during lier senior year. But then Music ha* alwa\* played Jn inlegml pan in our life at BCG. S. As far us I reinenib*r Ihcr, w"* ncv*r riny discussion abnui ". 11ich school niy $151er and I would alitnJ. W'*jus! "kiietv" we would be "Grim mar girls". \\'e are \cry proud of our Sch, toI and whai it 11as donc Ibr cotli of us. Great- grandmother deviluped a deep appreciation or Iiicra!UTC and music and she was a line amisi. SIIe was asked 10 illusiraie a bunk esp*cially whiici: forthc Educaiion Department. Grandma gradualCLI \\ith one of the nily Teacher Scholarsliips for Quernsland. She coniinued reaching JISecond"r^letel until her relirenieiii and 511e has aliended musi or the his lory n, "king evenis associated with our school sinc* tilen. Although she 15 now in hcr eighiies. Grandma 51ill attends End or Year Assemblies. inu siC concerts and School Dav*. A1Liin won Ihe Bumvansky Ballei Sellolarship witi!$1 still a 51udenihere. Howc\er. she cumpl*led her si\Ih FCnn year before leaving For Sydney and London. She gained Iler Ad- \"riced Teachers and hanan teachin. at B. CG. S. in 1960. Ten vears iaier sh* was the recipient or a Churchill Fellowship in Choreography and C1, o1eology and rifler 111.1 51udy she returned to B. G. CS. andin her "spare linte" workcd o11 Ih* proposal and syllabus for the Performing Aris/ Dancc course*hich was implem*filed in Kelvin OnIT* C. A. E. During Ihi, 11nic *he al, n letiured Chartnl, gy In Ihe Bach*inr or Human kin\elmcni Cuur*c at the Uni\chity of Qu"n\- land. Just rccenily 511e h"* 113, her first book on rli>'Ihmic spyni\e .vni riasiics publislicd. h is great to sce Iler achieve inenis recognised by the sthu. I. Her name appears un IN'o Honour Boards : The Churchill Fellows in the Boarders' Dinin, Room Iwliich used to be the Assembly Hall for the School during nty grindma'* and mother's daysi and un the Spuris nonour Board as an AUS Iralian Represeniaiive un R'S. G. My $151er .Ellena. I\. as a hereci and Captain of Music and R. S. G. Shc invadevery minuie nthcr school lire here and was the recipicni of the "Wi"hL Aledal" for A1usic. She vJa, also the first ever BC. G. S. recipient oilhe Calle\ Aledal. Dunn" her years' at Groinmar she be camc a Sinie inId National A1ultiples Champion in Rhythmic Gymnasiics and now con 11nues lier coni, ci with tile school us a co"cli and national judge in Inai sport. As you call see. the wonien in our family are dedicated to Ih, s scliool. A1un, and Elle"a have al ways said that BC. G. S. gave Ihent so much Ih"I Ihey really want 10 give someihing back to the school. and belie\e me Ihev are happiest when Ihe>'re doing just tnni. I'm onlyin Year9 - my second studeni year - but. as I said earlier. I've been at B. G. G. S. for 13 years! I don't know what the fu:ure holds bull do I:now 111"I sumeho\ I will he liere for a long nine 100. per haps as a ruinre teaclier ur coacli or rib a in, Iher huppurting inJ d"ughier. In Ih*ir p"rsuiis. Only lime will I'll. $. BS ^fteet""tea& Special/^ing in Prompt Service for HOME, OFF!eE, INDUSTRY . REPAIRS o INSTALLATIONS . DATA CABLES . HOT WATER . STOVES ' REWIRES Radio eontrolled Vans ^.,^ 356 0422 ^^^^^ 22 Thurlow Street, Newma. rket (^) E"**; , t "."". ** \ \ * -' , ,, ... .\ * I ,* I Great-grandmother Mirinie Faulkner-Reld Page 6 GRAMMAR GAZETTE. Term I 1993 r I ',,: '11, ~ ., I',-,.'.\.:::1''11-:::\\: .,. ~, .:, * ^t. *.':1\.;~'*,,";." ;'-~ **-\. ..,. ,:^" , ; ,. ,, *, : ';' ":. -.. 11 Nil Sine Labore - in its true sense *'t '**.. . . * .'...'"""*..' . .. . ,*. . ..- . Kirsten Jack remembered by the girls of her old school * ~, . ... ....... Jan I .. ,, ,... ~, .-, ,,...,~ *.... .. IF* ^ ' ..~* ~~~ .' ...'*//::: : ' \ I, .. . . ', t\..*- ^::, . - Mrs Hancock with the 7992 Head Girls and theI 993 counterparts ., , ..-. .. eruoying Iheir minch busier life*!ylcs Granimar Singers and Calmerata. them said they were Ihrilled wlien and A1hene. confronted wiih the prospect of their Any. o1her person wiih so manv were dier nervous at the beginning. would kingiifiedin reeling exhausied and Iudy attended in January was a onlymakesyoumoreor anised. You fantastic and confidence-building cannui help but adjhire tileir commit Ianming experience and haired them merit. energy and pristine curlook hadabouix f. -' y Un gineejgj, j, e up-coming year. thuseindividuals. two H"d Girls will . even un y closenprim;wilyhytheir and carrying out the duties that their stand ou!? When we are confronted also keep up their coriumiimeni10 the Head Girls of 1993. iris cos ' to see the over the last four years as Girls' this School believe will re resent and Grammar 51ndenis. lead them thinuglioui the year. volvemeni in ICnnis. Senior Orches- niunity wishes Esther and Jud net Enseinble and Grammar Singers. enjoy a rewarding year. with all As 11. ell as coping willI these Ihe delnands and thrillen"e* ahead member or Am ami. Thc 1,151en Jack the rest or 111e students to s I Estheris equally us busy as Cap- Brisbane Girls' Grainmar Schnol lain or Swimming. and playing where co-operation and 11"rd wo k Netb 11. SI e s are gon s of tile Taryn Bums Ktsten Jack in 7976 Vital Sinusiics: Full name: Iudiih A. Hadwen than prepio"sy, ,"s Barbara Headen "We really wariiio gelihis fund- Airsle"Jutk began her 51udies ai Brisbane Girls' Oninmar School in SecondFonnlGrade8j. 1974. Trig:- Xirsien's lire in 1976. but in o1 before Heipii: 175cm "we've all been involved for rev Lives: Ascot Siblings: Jonalhon Yrll we can draw on a record number or Jane Yin Both Bridgei and Judy hope 10 51udymedidne. whileMelodyisaim The three. all good friends. see and. for example. intersci. is that Uuhemia Coinmiiiee has a more FunniGmde 101. in those three years, tint 'plea*- 'happy. well-adjusied and res"nsi ble girl'. Iquoie from her miniieach Full Name: Esther B. lentins Dale of Birth: 13-10-76 Pel:'finsty'. Golden Reine\'er Lives: Ashgrove When their valued sellool friend did nor return to B. G. CS. in 1977. 11. with the help and guidance of 1.1rs. king. Hukins. sinned to raise Tubv YrS Their money raising plane in Liardi YrS This year 100's set to be an ex pers and a carwash. Each year. Mr. and Mrs. Jack terni has elapsed with sucl, haste but Brisbane Girls' Grainmar School's and Esiher Jenkins. have cenainly Ihusiasm for the vear thead. To musi or us. the resinon or ing one but 31her and Judy ha\. e boih Itced the elmllenge and seem to be williams. antiiher pasi studeni. val raise funds for Ieukaemia sufferers. The 1993 Cuminiiiec's aim is to mise at Ion in ritelody. Judy and Drid"ei be- \, Ived willI jilt LeuLaemi" Cum millc, h"\ fini only heigliicned I. ,I'm in \unerer\ cup, . bui IIJ\ "I\0 11.1pcd their or". ni, ,Iinn year 10 aceepi Ihe cheque from in a variety or ways. Mrs. Hukins ha< made an innniie number of marsh Chrisimas decomiions nununh hot Dust eighiye"r* has helpetlto coordi rinieihe tundraisin" club. and praises for Ieukaeinia research. to say noth ing of the bumper sales of Hui Cross being surrounded by a mountain or Ouisiaiiding fund-ratsin" Past Presid. nis of the club han\e be*n. Memorable fund-misers include Australia honours Professor Dorothy Hill Bathara Hebden The highesi AUSiralian Civil Award. Companion in tilt general war awarded in Ihe recoin Australia Day nunuur\ to Eineniu* Pmles<, r mr. !by. Hill. uric of Brisbane Girlh Grimmar Scliuul* in o51 dining Lit*!led p"\I pupil* 0,1,011iy Hill. CBE. PhD. OSL LLD. FRS. FAA. FCS. cumin. ncc, JUUie\ an Bri*h;inc Girls' Grillnni"r Sth, ,, I in 111e niiddle ni' IU20: Ihc tic\a*1.11nginnucn?" o111hr. ,k nil9jq 11n ung rift*<*11.1, d a re, r"an I hallnn o1'11i, *. lion!y"ar. All** Allnie Mack"\ v"\ in her filth \ear us Headini\Ire*\ ~. *j. -*.*.' runnier died or Ieukaei"in. and Ruih I errliip ,rer Slum un\ r"i"d. , Now, incl"11yiiam*tillI*Airsi, " ref. chi\IC^^r'* nthce neon. A. Melodv of, t"ai. Prt\ideni. I"at. 11ndwe" *CM, , andB, idgef Cj'jamr. ,. Tre"* Filletii years tin. kirien J"CF rer. "rein ili*iru. ', rd\. all, ,ing hfyl"r h, \ nu! been fur. ., 11. n JIB. G. G. S. If^^> "I rein. inh*r buns Dr. ud*\I di. 1/1/'11nn niltegin ticcied a rel- low fir Ihe Rti}"I SOCi*, in recng I at Sch, it. I. 11 recni, d harder to me in millnn o1' her exie"*I. .c \L, irk in BCC, u\e her pareni* look an he gonl at spun. Ihnn at Ie\, n. ." ,11c },{ 197J. Ihc Llnicor*ii} of Queen\ riverse" \"id I*.*' \:*-;, * In 19_S Dor. Ih!. Hill gradualcd firee. D, ,cmr ni' Law\ un Prole\\o willI Fir*! Cla*\ Flun, ,ur\ in CCDl- Fijil 19.3-. 4 D, ,r. ,lily Hill "Uruit\ 111ut \Ile tool. up palae. niolfjg\ hcc"u*e ii w"\ a \ui!"hl" rimie\\ion for J Muman in Au*I'lli" in Ih, 1920 w d ' " '*ryinUC ui Queen*1.11U Gold MCU"I. f!CF r, *careh in for\11 cnr"I\ \\.,:s arcompan:ed bv a Mistrc\ in litr 11na! ve"r at BOGS Durnih} Hill received Ihe Lad\ Lil!*} Gold A1cd"! 10r academic eACcllenc, and Ihe Phvll:\ Hubh\ Meijinrial Prize 10r Engii\11 ;Inrl UniVCrsii> of Queensland Schol^ ai\hip. which in 11i, led a brilliani Au\Imjiniij, al, eoninlogy owe\ and hec;Iu\e there ."a\ work 10 b. 111ucliin Ihi\ exir"ordinary v. oman. doll. jind Ihc \Iud\ 41,111\\il cor' I* ;? ,~^., who. after \.\. en \. car\ \Iud\ at Cam bridge Uni\chin. \uccc*\- fully Iron\furediliel. nut\. led"e "rid coniidcn, * o1 the be\I Europ*an did lint requirc CLP"nLive equin- rerred 10 read Medicin, \'v*, Non" in her mitt-cighiie\. Pr" uniTen:lie\ in Ihi\ c"untr}. It'sur Hill cuntiiiLiedlierl:on or"r on oured 1'0r lier nian} achieve- University's Department or Geol me1115. In 1965 she had Ihe rare tiey and Mineralogy until 1991 4 Einerilus Pro!bssor Dorothy Hill career in Science Page 7 GRAMMAR GAZETTE, Term I 1993
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