Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1993

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Japanese eXchange students return home Angela Wllson tmlia than Japan. nironii was ver sit've b ' . "


Teena Tingle &

ity on assembly in Liarch. Erika said there were "differ- a litjj" d'If' 11 . " " '''''. 'I in really. really

Catherlne Auld

On Salu, ,hv 21 Nor. tintsr 1992 the Mary. mountZcnithauhJiBurlcich held tireir Charcr Dinncrio recu"nise ciNlof king. In, uniCullcge. tire Club Pre*i"nL Grus Sh, it "rid club Inem her\ antiided tile runt:1:1n. file Bri* han* Girl\' Gnunm"r Stht, 11 Zeniih Club \\."*,*, retrial by its PresidenL Julianiu Sing Alarmi, Whizenith I\ now the **L und Zenith Clubin Au\!nila hinte the rcccnic!,. uretilil, *K"in!b}nommi vin, 11 The club'* cnihu\jusiic and inch approach w" arcenru"adjn ;un c\"I itni spyech cniiiled The Rley, fur of coni"I. Tile contribution or*ucli"I attoiiiplish"! \NAcrw"*"PPIeci"led ZeniihCILib\. winchdi*cussi. *us* o11nleresi to 51uden!* and tile conmiu Brisbane Girl*' Gnunnnr has un nitsi&with Clubin Australia"Idhas Lide a suntilar forum for young pL, CPL and inc, core telrconiid*rice.

Experienees from -:^'.: ^.- 11-1^ 11^. if:*.:::;:. ^- : , another culture 1:1'*" ';,:,:' " ~' -:-:! , ,^f~ ^- "" '-' -; Schouj ; , O I Cir culture. ; '.. . ^ ': ' ' ^;" ', 1:11'~*" ' ' I I' " '

ised that. although Singapore is Singaporeancounierparts. andSa in , n' a Students encouraged the take increased ' t a new approach to learning ' d b ' to1,111re Coolto StandsforNegotiaiedEnterprisesWel. ties, expertise. mentors. and errra '


re, ,h ''pp'rt ' their alternative Wayin the learning centre. on th, Q, ,lity, IT, ,, litng an, tr, ,_ '" ram"'. Despite the Signif, Canee of the date, some work was

A Proposal was then designed in early ruses ,r its fu, der, ,,,,, ti to ." 'ncrease4 interest has also led 10 the establishment of a

Q. D. U. suecesseS Am azjn A ex D b t

Page 2 GRAMMAR GAZETTE, Term I 1993

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