Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2002

Building connections with BGS

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Working at being leaders

== = o L " CD < a_ Exploring new directions by increased collaboration between the two Brisbane Grammar Schools has added an interesting and exciting dimension to 2002. Since the beginning of August, the senior students of Years U and 12 have been entitled to hold borrowing and user rights at both school libraries. This has expanded the resource available for the students' Several other curricular and co- curricular activiti have occurred during the year: Basti e ' ' s, the Young Achievers group, bridge building Day celebrations and other language a for Year 12s for Year 8 and a leadershi



The Girls Grammar Executive and the Boys Grammar Prefects undertook a leadership workshop in the Girls Grammar auditorium on the afternoon of 8 May Pizza, puzzles and pipe cleaners were involved in creating a series of tasks designed to determine the types of leaders present. Problem-solving, discussion and

Language activities

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co-operation all contributed to an extremely rewarding experience.

Young entrepreneurs The Young Achievers program guides students through the processes associated wit commencing a business from scratch, looking at organizational structure, product design and marketing - all within the context of a detailed business plan The Yards Ahead team, sponsored by Mrs to Weiden of Harvey Norman IQueen Streetl outsourced the manufacture of a range of coloured beanies to foster the House spirit throughout the respective schools. This product emerged after a series of intriguing brainstorming sessions in which a whole raft of products were hotly debated. The aim of the DryYA team, sponsored by Conrad's, was to produce a range of T-shirt kits for sale to the general public. it will be very interesting to see if meticulous market research will bring the expected rewards

Year Nine Fre!ICli students were invited by Boys Gram"jar to participate ill tileir Basti!Ie Day celebrations LAbo"e centre) German Irondb@!I was also a challenge to @11 i""o1"ed

Building bridges During Term 3 each of the Year 8 classes was involved in a collaborative activity with a Year 8 class from BGS. The project involved five or six students working cooperativeIy to plan and build a model bridge, according to specifications outlined in the "Bridge-building Code': The ratio of the load each bridge


camed to its mass gave a measure of its structural efficiency. So far, the bridge with the highest structural efficiency weighed 440 grams but supported * more than 50 kilograms!

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