Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2002

The science of laboratory design tram, d from f, ,"t 009.1 The goals of Science teaching need to be continuously evaluated in light of advances in Science and Education. The breadth and depth of modem scientific understanding creates informed citizens who can participate effectiveIy in modem democracy. Modern laboratories must enable a learning environment that values student diversity. This new environment must offer flexible study options, provide for the integration of technologies into the curriculum, and address equity issues, while remaining safe and stimulating. The nature of Science is such that multi-media facilities are playing an increasingly important role in the education of students. Science teachers need to magnify computer screens, microscopic specimens, transparencies, opaque text materials and realia leg. rocks). For the curriculum to remain relevant, students need to utilise technologies that either match or simulate those used by scientists in their professional practice To facilitate these changes E block will be refurbished during the DecemberIJanuary holidays, ready for the commencement of the 2003 school year. Multipurpose rooms similar to those shown in the concept drawings will create an exciting and stimulating environment in which the scientists of the future will be nuitured.

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Young physicists in action The International Young Physicists Tournament tnnT) was created fifteen years ago in the USSR to foster scientific research and improve international communication in physics.

The team from Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Lucy MCKenzie, Geordan Shannon Prtya Cherian, Shehara Mendis and Julie Sze, earned the right to represent AUStrali at Odessa in the Ukraine The team finished with a joint third position in the event behind the winning team of Poland. Lucy MCKenzie also finished with fourth position in the individual rankings A truly outstanding result!

Unlike most other science competitions for high school students, the competition Is team based with an emphasis on research, experimentation and problem solving, not just knowledge of physics. it promotes good presentation, communication and debating skills and improves students' abilities to work as a team.

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