Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2002

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From the Chair The Board of Trustees commenced 2002 with great optimism for the beginning of a new phase in the School's history with our new Principal, Mrs inlanda Bell, who began her duties in January. Of course we were also sad that our long and close association with Judith Hancock had ended with her retirement, but we look forward to a continuing relationship with her as a special friend of BGGS who will always retain our admiration and affection. As you all probably know, Mrs Bell came to us from SCECGS Redlands in Sydney and has had to settle into a new school, a new home and a new city. In a remarkably short period of time she has become an integral part of the School with a deep understanding of and commitment to the ethos of Brisbane Girls Grammar. Wisely, she has not attempted radical change but has worked quietiy and effectiveIy with the senior staff to understand the issues and gradually to place her particular stamp on the School's life. We look forward to the impact of her leadership in the coming years A number of important initiatives have been planned and undertaken this year. Mrs Bell is eager to promote effective communication throughout the School family and has organized a range of parent evenings specifically designed to address interests at particular year levels. Planning is underway for the changing use of facilities with the end of Boarding in the School at the end of the year and, most importantly, Mrs Bell has acted quickly to institute a refurbishment of the Science laboratories which will happen during the January vacation. As a School with high academic aspirations and given the importance of science in university and professional life, the strength and decisiveness of her actions to facilitate this capital works project, were greatly appreciated by the Board.

With Board elections taking place in October there will inevitably be changes in Board membership. Might I take this opportunity to thank all current members of the Board, as well as Richard Be mays and Penny Tripcony each of whom served for part of this four year tenn, for their enormous conttibution to the School. Life as a Board member means that one is continuously thinking about, working for or giving time to the School, so spouses and families must also be thanked. For continuing members the hope is that new members will be equally committed and that the School will continue to nourish as a community with parents, staff, friends and Board working together for this School and every Grammar Girl

Dr CherreU Hitst AO






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