Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2002

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First to cross the line again in 2002 Brisbane Girls Grammar School became QGSSSA cross country champions Much of for the ninth consecutive year

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this success can be aimbuted to high participation rates from all year groups, hard and consistent training, involvement in a number of lead-up competitions, and the skill of coach, Mr Tony Booth and co- ordinatot, Miss A. Barrett. On Satiirday 25 May at Limestone Park, ipswich, the team of 85 athletes was greeted with grey, overcast skies. The Year 8 team had 6 competitors finish in the top 20, giving them the 13 years championship. Year 9s came fourth, despite serious illness within the team; Year 10s battled to second position; and Year 11, with the assistance of an age-group-winning run from Fellcity Abram, placed second. As a Hollywood-style ending to the day's performances, the 17 years age group won their age group pennant for the fifth year in a row, fulfilling the challenge set for them by the cross country captains of 1998. A number of athletes went on to represent Grammar at Metropolitan North level: Rachel Ferns, Ninelise Kerr, Signd Mewing, Cassandra Robinson, funy Cunning ham and Fellcity Abram. Feltsity was then chosen to run for Queensland at the National Championships.


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