1985 School Magazine
CLARINET GROUP 1985 One of the small, but not insignifi cant music groups at B.G.G.S. is our Clarinet Group, consisting of 11 players. We rehearse each Tuesday lunchtime, under the enthusiastic direction of Mrs Barbara Lockwood , the school clarinet teacher. During the year we performed successfully at various musical evenings, including a small groups concert at B.G.G.S., a combined Chamber Concert at B.G.S. Great Hall, the Prom Concert in September and School Day. We were delighted when we entered the Pine Rivers Schools Music Contest and won the section for the second successive year. (A clar inet quartet also participated in the above contest). A second Clari net Group rehearses each Thursday with Mrs Lockwood and members are waiting " in th e wi ngs" for the opportunity to grad uate to our group.
Penelope Mainstone Year 11
The Junior Orchestra in rehearsal (cello section).
JUNIOR ORCHESTRA junior Orchestra was formed at the beginning of the yea r to provide orchestral experi ence for Grade 8, 9 and 10 girls. Throughout the year the group has continued to grow and has performed at th e Term I musi ca l evening and th e Term Ill " Prom" Concert, under the baton of Miss Myers.
juni or Orchestra has played a wid e va ri ety of music; it has been a very enjoyabl e act ivity for all those involved.
Sarah Flower Year 10
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