1985 School Magazine

to "Botany Bay" Farewell to our families forever We'll see you in five yea rs time While you 're out there having fun We're in here ou r nose to the grind.

Eating rock cakes and lumpy custard Getting up to the six-thirty bell Having showers as cold as an ice-berg Our lullaby - Mistress' ye ll.

Grade Eight we were picked on by everyone But we made it through as a team Grade Ni ne we all thought we were marvellous But we weren't so tough as we seemed.


Grade Ten we were really rebellious We were .. .. the whole year through Grade Eleven the pressure did hit us To get out we tried all we could do.


Now Grade Twelve we're working our guts out And no-one can wa it till the end We 've stuck out these five years together And will n'er lose th e bonds of these friends.

Bridget and Vanessa

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