1985 School Magazine

BOARDERS' REPORT 7 985 started off very badly when, just prior to the commencement of the school year, the main administration building was severely damaged in a storm on january 78. As this building also houses the Boarding facilities, there was no other alternative but to postpone the commencement of the first term until February 7 7. Unfortunately, it was also necessary to cancel the usual activities associated with the beginning of the school year and consequently the welcome to Year 8 girls and their parents on their first day in the Boarding House was not held. The completion of the new roofing will ensure better drainage to the entire building and many of the problems that have existed over a long period of time have now been rectified. New carpets and furniture have been installed in the building and life returned to normal for the boarders in second semester. During 7985 there has been an average of 93 boarders resident in the Boarding House. Students come from many varied environments with two boarders from Fiji, one from Noumea, a large number from New Guinea, one from Darwin, as well as a number from isolated areas throughout the State of Queensland. It is very pleasing to note that this year the Boarding House has three Prefects- Beth Fitzgerald (Head Boarder), Vanessa Colden and Melinda Fox. Each Year level has a dormitory senior and throughout the year various activities are arranged for the girls. Cay Foreman was employed during the year as an Activities Officer, to involve the boarders in a programme of activities on the weekends and this appears to have been a most successful move. IT IS AN ILL WIND THAT BLOWS NO GOOD!

Quite a large number of girls were involved in a'Crooming and Deportment Course with a graduation held at the end of third term . During the year I have entertained students from Years 8, 77 and 72 at the residence which has provided me with an opportunity to get to know the girls a little better. The boarders form the backbone of many of the school sporting teams, with 60% of them involved in representative school teams. The most popular sports are Waterpolo and Basketball, with Beth Fitzgerald, the Head Boarder, Captain of the Basketball teams. Elizabeth Marks is a representative on the State Secondary School Girls' Basketball team; jacquelin Still captains the Softball team and Rachel Simon is Captain of the C grade Volleyball team. Sally Shrapnel is involved in five separate sports, with Beth Fitzgerald, jacquelin Still and Debbie Buick involved in four. A larger number of other girls play a minimum of three sports with a still greater number involved in at least two sports. In the Bars section of the lnterhouse Artistic Gymnastics competition the first three placings were awarded to Boarders -jennifer Lane, Anna Kinnear and Catherine Hyne. In the lnterschool Cup Competition for all the Gymnastics, Sally Shrapnel was placed third and Catherine Hyne placed fourth amongst all the competing schools. This year it was pleasing to see so many of the boarders involved in the school play, 'A Midsummer Night's Dream" - indeed they stole the limelight in the scene with "Bottom" and "Wall"! The Year 8 girls who played the parts of the fairies were a delight to watch and everyone appreciates the time and effort the girls gave in preparation for the performance. Indeed there is much talent displayed within the Boarding House and it is never more evident than on the occasions when the girls present their Concerts. It is pleasing to see how the senior girls involve those younger than themselves and help them to improve their talents. A number of boarders are involved in the School Music programme and Vanessa Colden is one of the Music Captains. Vanessa is also involved in Debating and the Athene Club. Penelope Kehl, Eva Shrapnel and Elizabeth Hartley have received Bronze medals in the Duke of Edinburgh Award and Elizabeth will be presented with her Silver medal at a ceremony at Government House. Caroline Tumour and Beth Fitzgerald have been awarded Exchange Scholarships to study overseas in 7986 and we wish them well in the year ahead.


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