1985 School Magazine
E.G.O. 1985 The Environmental and Gardening O rganisat ion of B.G.G .S. had a late sta rt this year, as meetings began afte r the june ho lidays. The club has six new Year 8 members who have been wo rkin g hard every Wednesday at lunchtime, potti ng plants to be so ld at the p lant sta ll on school day. Next term the girl s plan to learn to propagate different members of the plant families. This will enab le us to have a wider range of plants ava ilable for use in the laborato ri es and for sa le.
Term three is the last term of office for the present board members, w ith th·e new execut ive due to take over the runni ng of the club in fourth term. Gymp ie Interact cl ubs are hosting th is year's District Conference which w ill be held on the 20th October. Several coaches are organised to take up all t he Brisbane c lub members who, after the conference, w ill be treated to sightsee ing of the goldmines, followed by a barbecue. Fund raising throughout the year has been to provide World Vision sponso rship for our sponsor chil d (Mar issa Antonio) who li ves in the Philippines. A subscription of National Geographic Magazines has also been provided for a needy schoo l in South Afr ica. Fern ita van Rensburg, Rotary Exchange Student from South Afri ca , has been active ly involved in the yea r's acti v iti es. Fernita presented a short, but ve ry in fo rmative talk to members ear li er in the year, which en li ghtened us o n the cu lture of South Africa . It has been a very reward ing year and many th anks must go to Mrs Sharma, Mr Skett and the other Rotarians from Windsor Club for their dedicated support and finally to the members who have continued their suppo rt throughout the year. Best of lu ck, for all th e incoming executive, keep the standard up. A lot has been achi eved, but it's a long road yet! Remember: The ultimate aim is th e Interact ion between people and the community. That is what Interact is all about. At the suggest ion of Mr Short of Brisbane Grammar School , the Athene Club was reformed in first semester, after a lapse of about 10 years. The group consists of approximately 15 girls and 15 boys from Grades 11 and 12 of the two Grammar Schools. Members of staff who have been involved with the club are Mr Neathercote and Mr Short from B.G.S. and Miss Forster and Mrs Seckold from B.G.G.S. Our patron is Mr justice john Dowsett, w ho was the president of the At hene Club when it was first formed. Office bearers, elected at the first meet ing are: PRESIDENT - Ange la Cook VICE-PRES IDENTS - Dani Batsman , Vanessa Golden . SECRETARY - Simo n Cotterell The group operates with the aim of providing intellectual stimulation over and above that which is found in a c lassroom, and achieving exce ll ence in debating and public speaking- in much the same way as A grade sporting teams aim to ach ieve exce llence in sport. Meetings are held about twice a term w ith members presenting papers on a topic of their cho ice. Four meetings have been held so far and papers presented have included such diverse subjects as: "Abortion" and " Determination , the wi ll , and modern human deve lopment." I hope that next year's Athene Clu b will be just as successful and enjoyab le as this year's has been. A 1 C k nge a oo 27 THE ATHENE CLUB Leisa Watkins President
LEUKAEMIA COMMITTEE Both Kim and I were determined to make this year's Committee the best yet, so we had great encouragement when th e new year began with a surprisingly large turnout of eage r new members. Our f irst enthusiasti c effo rt to raise th e usual amount of $1000 was a lunchtime sweet stall in our fourth week back at sc hool. Since then we have had another sweet stall , sold many sc hool tea towels, so ld even more tickets for various raffles and received several wonderful donations. Happ ily membership has not waned and the committee is still go ing strong with some great presidential potential amongst the Grade 11's to keep it going next year.
Finally, many th anks to those of you w ho have supported us through out this very successfuI year.
Kim Dowling and Melinda Fox
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