1985 School Magazine
6th March 1985- Guest speaker from Lifeline. Plaque was presented to the c lub in recognition of involvement in the 1983 and 1984 doorknock appea ls. 9th March- Combined socia l with B.G.S. at the President's home. This was held as a welcome to new members. An enjoyab le even ing was had by all, despite the weather (which didn't deter those game enough to swim!) Those that didn't get wet certa inl y got squashed while trying to watch the video. 24th March - Lifeline Doorknock around Herston and Newmarket areas. 2nd April- Film Afternoon " Tootsie". This was a trial run for future films, shown to an audience of 23 with $12 profit being made. Our fundraising venture for the term was the despatch of Hot Cross Buns. Approximately $40 was raised. Easter Eggs were once again collected, with several gir ls giving up an afternoon to go around to Saint And rew's Hospital to hand them out to the chi ldren and old people who would not have otherwise had the opportunity to celebrate Easter. 11th May - Guest speaker from Red Cross. 19th May - Red Cross Doorknock Appea l in Newmarket and Kelvin Grove areas. 11th June - Sweetstall held with profit of $45. 28th August- Despatch of Pizzas (term three fund raising) approximately $160 raised. 30th August- Walkathon to the home of Katie Walsh. The 12 kilometre walk to Che lmer was followed by a barbecue.
INTERACT REPORT 1985 In previous years Interact has concentrated so lely on fundraising and service without leaving anytime for the development of interaction between the club in the schoo l, community and international fields. During the year we have tried to succeed in stressing involvement within the club and community by not restrain ing to the pattern of activities adhered to in former years.
18th October 1984 -
Change-over dinner held with
incom ing board for the year : PRESIDENT - Leisa Watkins VICE-PRESIDENT - Lisa Hemphill SECRETARY - Michaela Skett TREASURER - Michaela Skett DIRECTORS -
Katie Walsh , Chrysu la Lytras, Marianne Logothetis, Kathy Myers.
21st October- District Conference held at Gap State High School. Reports given from all clubs on year's activit ies. 25th November- Chr istmas Party held at Montrose Home for Crippled Children. We combined with B.G.S. Interact for a very successfu I day of activit ies. Our first fund raising venture was the distribution of Rotary International Plum Puddings. This enabled the bank balance to rise by approximately $50. A social break-up was held at the home of a B.G.S. lnteracter and althou gh poorly attended by our club, turned out to be an enjoyable evening. Due to the unfortunate late start to the school year we did not have as much time to organise the club before having to attend the District Instructional Seminar on the 17th February. This was once again held at the Gap State High School. The conference placed emphas is on the executive positions and was a valuable session with the pooling of ideas.
4th September- Elections held for 1986 executive.
14th September- School Day: Interact put on a display showing various activ iti es and hi ghlights of the year. A raffle was also run .
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