1985 School Magazine

HOCKEY The 1985 Hockey season has been a thoroughly enjoyab le one. We welcomed Mrs Simpson as our new A Grade coach and Miss Walmsley as our B Grade coach. Mrs Sinden continued to coach the C Grade and her support and organisation throughout the season has been greatly apprec iated . Thanks must also go to Miss Patton and Tim Hooker, who helped out as spec ial ist coaches. This season's preparation began late in second term this year, with Miss Walmsley's "fu n" fitness training sess ions. In the weeks preceding se riou s compet ition, we played two matches against v isiting teams. These were Fairholme College from Toowoomba and Cheva li er College from Bowral. Both games provided exce llent pre-season training and many last ing friendships were made.

A Grade Hockey Team

BACK ROW: F. Bryce, S. Ranson, M. King, S. Anderson, M. Hulscher. FRONT ROW: j. Clark, E. Smyth, S. Simpson (Coach), S. Curtis, E. johnson (Captain), S. Kootsookos. Although our season was not as successful as others, it saw the development of many of our players and the c limax of our season saw our B Grade team defeat the, until then, undefeated State High team, 1-Nil. Our nine week season saw our A Grade finish fourth, our B Grade fourth, and our C Grade, an improved sixth. Our Downey Park "sisters" played in Ninth Division in the Brisbane competition, finishing fifth. This team provides a nuturing ground for our up-and-coming players and was well looked after by Cate Clunies-Ross, Mrs Yule and Mrs Howell. We celebrated the closing of our season with the traditional Geriatrics Match. The Geriatrics, who seem to grow younger every year, won against the A's 1-Nil. Congratulations once agai n, to all teams and coaches and thank you to all our enthusiastic spectators for their tireless efforts throughout the season.

Good Luck for 1986!

Elizabeth Johnson


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