1968 School Magazine

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and to the pianists, Jeanette Howman and Janine Lonergan. Many thanks must also go to those members of the orchestra, Janet Harper and to very com- petent volunteer guitatists who make the "Swiss Alps" segment of the concert programme so en- joyable and successful. A small group of the orchestra members have also played to Assembly, to help the singing of the h'mns' -ALrsoN sPEcHr (vB)

The orchestra has played many pieces this u"ur rr*ging from the Alpine Suite- to Handel's w"i.. Mrrti.. \7e o.we a gre^t deal to Miss Cormu.k who has been vety enthusiastic and encouraging. The subsidiary group, the Recotders, has many willing membets, and they -have st-udied a n.r*t.t of interesting pieces which they hope to play in public later this Year. Thanks must go to Diana Marshall who has played the first violin part with her sistet Helen,

ORCHESTRA Back Row (Left to Rlght): Janlne Lonetrgan, Robln Prlddle, Lynn Roblnson, chrlstlne Broughton, Ellzabeth Czarkowski, Valerle Brdmlle, Jennlfer Brom, Jennlfer Robblts, Leslev Cameronr Catrina McNelIl, Alllson Rowlands. Mlddle Row: Heather Appleton, Judtth Ayre, wilma Moo, Judith Hughes, Jennlfer watt, Jane Cowllshaw, Melanle Thlele, Susan Don, Marlon Cooper, Allson Crawford' Front Row : Patrlca Webber, Janet Robson, Ilelen Marshall, reanette HoVman, I)lana Marshall, Allson Specht, Yvonne Moreton, Beverley Tumer.

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