1968 School Magazine

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topical subjects. Many of the- subjects .we dis- .,rired were basic, such as "\ilho is God?", "Is Jesus the Son of God?", and .so-on' but more iontroversial topics vrere tackled' These included Student Rights, the question of Vietnam, mercy killing and countless others. On the whole, it has been an extremely eventful year, andwe hope that next year's S.C'M' is backei up'by membeis as enth.tsiastic as they were this yeat - good luck! - C.M. (SecretarY), S.C.M' S'iu^"u C{il '-Norc' At the beginning of the year the Science Club started ofiquite-well with a fair number of enthusiastic rn.rnb.tt. The programme included such items as a btains uust with the science mistresses as the panel, a guest speaker from the museum and a iaxidermist who brought along specimens to show us as well as giving a very enjoyable talk. Unfortunately, owing to time- table problems, only a few sixth formers were able to visit the University science display- But as always, those who went enjoyed it very much. This year for School Day the Science Club decided to let off a hot air balloon instead of putting on the usual display. I am sotry to say thrt vrh.n work on the balloon started, the num- ber of enthusiastic members dwindled' Practically the only supporters were four girls from VB, a few girli frorn II, III and VI forms and of clurse, Mrs.-Kugelman' But those rrho helped, wol'ked hard utd despite a hoarde of glue hungry cockroaches the balloon was ready to go up on School Day. The balloon was ready, we v/ere ready, the audience was teady, but so, too, was the wind. After a few rips and a near kazzled balloon, we gave up. But one day in .the near future when ihe wind is not strong we'll send it up and surprise everyone! (\X/e hope)' And now I can take this opportunity to thank the people who have helped in the past ,r""r. Firstlv I want to thank the science teachers ior their aid and encouragement, and especially , Mrs. Kugelman who willingly gave- -up many lunch hours to help us. Mrs' McDonald too, has ,ho*t an interest in our affairs and has advised us. Sincere thanks also to our secretary, Diana Marshall and to a few other members (they know who they are ) who worked far harder than might be expected of them. To my successor next year I leave my !-eqt wishes and hope that next year, the Science Club will be better than ever.

"q*S.C"-1. *-N"rc' The Inter-School Christian Fellowship this -frequent .lru"g.t of our counsellors.' However, I do feel th^t "*. are at last regaining our feet. We legan ;h; y;^; ""a.t ttt. .uiubl" guidance of an old gitl oi ,h. school, Mts. Elvery,lnd we thank her for all her help and advice to us. From the beginning of second term. we have been conducting the mietings by ourselves with assistance from Miss Glenys Palmer in the pre- paration of our meetings. Our activities included ialks and discussions tnd " tnpp.r gathering with members of the I.S.C.F. from other schools. Also this year a newsheet has been published called Inter-School and this makes very interesting reading for us. It contains articles of interest to eirls oT our age and also much informatio,n about the camps held every year. rJile would like to thank Mrs. McDonald {or her co-operation and for allowing us to use the piano in-room 9. \7e extend an invitation to all ihose interested in our group to join with us every Thursday lunch hour for plenty of fun and fellowshiP' - ruDrrH sEcoMB ^5.C"J4. .-Not.' As ivith every year, we must thank the wonderful people who helped the Student Christian Movement to become an efficient or- ganization. The two people we especially thank Ihit y.ur are Mrs. McDonald and Mrs' Fallon for all their vronderful interest and enthusiasm. The year really began well with an Induction Service in which sixty new members joined the movement - a good start. The regular tVednes- day lunchtime meetings have been highlighted by heated discussions, oxford debates and the occas- sional panel discussions, all of which, have stimulatid our interest and broadened our outlook. Inter-school activity and co-opeiation has lifted interest tremendously. We have had de- bates vrith Kelvin Grove and St. Margaret's, and attended Inter-school conferences at St' Rita's and Gregory Terrace. A few of our attempts to raise money, e.g., car-\I/ashes, were very successful and we certainly did not lack enthusiasm. \7e hope that fellow-S.C.M.'ers have even better luck next yeaf. We had some very interesting sPeakets - including Brother Simon and Rev. G. Paxton. They gave different and refreshing views on year has suffered, I feel, flom too

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