The Beanland Memorial Library

Users must always leave the library in good order, especially in terms of an absence of litter and the neat arrangement of furniture. Students are NOT expected to re-shelve items. Books are placed neatly on the reshelving trolley or the subject specific trolleys, spine uppermost with the spine label closest to the student. Teachers are asked to help supervise students’ access to the shelves and the tidy placement of resources in the appropriate place at the end of the lesson. Students should bring into the library minimum equipment required to promote safe movement within the spaces. For safety reasons, no item must be left in the foyer and all items brought into the library must be placed on or under tables or benches. Larger musical instruments may be stored behind the entrance end of the circulation desk. No food or drink , other than water in sealed containers, is to be consumed in the library at any time . The only students permitted to access the lift are those with lift passes or fobs. These are issued only by the Health Centre staff . Girls with fobs do not require staff to access the lift for them. Girls with passes must ask a library or other staff member to access the lift. The only person to use the lift is the particular girl with permission. If the student is so incapacitated that she cannot carry her laptop etc., one person is allowed to assist her.

Supervising teachers are to ensure that the students in their care adhere to the codes of behaviour.


This policy is subject to regular review. [Pages: 2] Date of latest review: 13 Sept 2021 - CKE

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