Student Access

Digital access:

• Library services are available via Minerva > Library : both onsite and remotely [i.e. from home] o Oliver (via the Oliver & AskClio tile) The catalogue offers access to information about non-fiction and fiction books, eBooks, journals, and DVDs. Oliver also provides AskClio guides for academic research for specific tasks within specific subjects from Years 7-12. o External databases (via Databases tile) The Library subscribes to over twenty academic research databases to support assignment research across all subjects in Years 7-12. All databases can be accessed onsite and most can also be accessed remotely. Where students require a special user name and password to access information, these details are listed on the Databases page below the specific database. Very few databases are only accessible onsite; this constraint is listed on the Databases page. The Gale Virtual Reference Library provides access to an eBook collection. o Citemaker (via the Research help tile) This is academic referencing software to allow the creation of APA reference lists. Each student should create her own Citemaker account while at school and this account will be available for the whole time the student attends Brisbane Girls Grammar School. o Book review databases (via Databases tile) The library subscribes to several book review databases which support personal reading choices, the wider reading program in classroom English lessons for Years 7-9 students, plus students who are undertaking reading challenges through Libellum.


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