Sisterhood sculpture
15 May 2024 OGA 125 th Birthday Celebration with Sisterhood
Left to right: Ann Caston (Pressland 1958), Sylvia Pegg (Gaulton,1965), Louise Bremner (Steindl, 1964), Antonia Swindells (Butnoris 1996), Pauline Harvey-Short (Harvey, 1971), Julie Caton (Cleghorn, 1981), Lyle Schwarten (White, 1945), Tori Cardell-Ree (Cardell), Lorraine Thornquist (Williams, 1967), Susan Walker (Anderson, 1995), Katie Allan (1988), Carolyn Dimento (de Hayr, 1981)
References Downloaded 24.07.2024
OGA Minutes 14 July; 17 October 2023; 8 November 2023.
Piat, D. Email correspondence 5.09.2023; 03.11.2023.
Caton, J. and Thornquist, L. 06.09.2023
Euler Welsh, J. and Caton, J. 03.11.2023
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